Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Happy Birthday To The Love Of My Life!

Today is a big day.  It is the Love of my Life's 40th Birthday.  For the purpose of this blog I shall refer to him by the name of C.

C was born July 31, 1973.  His loving parents figured that he was such a blessing in their lives that they decided to stop there and not have any more children after that.  One thing that I know for certain is that when people say that only children are "spoiled" I would vehemently disagree.  I would like to think of them as saturated.  Children are sponges.  So they absorb everything around them.  Only children absorb a huge amount of love, caring and kindness.  It saturated his every cell and now it continuously pours out to all who are around him.  I can only wish that for our Daughter.

My Dearest C,

Today is your 40th birthday.  Here we are celebrating another milestone together.  May this trend continue on for many, many more years.  As I would like to build a tradition of the birthday letter, here is mine to you.  I bet you are happy that I kept it private and only posted it on my blog.

My entire life changed on April 18th, 2009. I remember being so excited to meet you.  Waiting at the door for you to pick me up for our first lunch date.  Little did I know that I would be waiting for you for many, many years to come.  I am sure glad that you are worth the wait.  I like to believe that one of the reasons you were brought into my life was to show me patience and to teach me to slow down and smell the roses.  That first lunch date was amazing.  I will be forever indebted to Bobbi for introducing us.

You have brought so many good things into my life.  It is improbable that I would be able to put them all into a single birthday letter.  Good thing that I will have many more birthdays to share with you.

You are kind.  So incredibly kind.  And I am so glad that this trait has started rubbing off on me.  You show that kindness to perfect strangers, to your family, and essentially all living things.  You even catch and release flies and bugs that come into the house.

You are incredibly thoughtful.  You think about the details and you make everyone feel at ease.  You take those extra steps to transcend things from ordinary to extraordinary.

You are a pillar of strength and support.  Even when we were first barely dating you refused to let me be unhappy.  Urged me to "do whatever makes me happy."  Even when that ended up meaning you were stuck paying the bills.  LOL.  Truth be told you still do.  I promise that will change one day soon, very soon.

You are an amazing Husband and Father.  I couldn't even begin to put into words how grateful I am to have you in my life.  I cannot wait until you take steps to further your journey.  To really spend time creating and cultivating your dream.  I know that what ever dream you choose to chase will be wonderful.  And it will be a blessing that will reach countless people.  I hope you don't take too long to figure it out as it seems almost selfish for me to keep you all to myself.

I love you.  To the Moons of Jupiter and Back.  May your 40th year be filled with love, laughter, health and wealth.  May the sun always shine upon your face.  May we spend many, many more years together.

All my Love,
Your Adoring Wife,

The Final Day of the 31 Day Blog Challenge

Today is the final day of the 31 day blog challenge.  This challenge encouraged me to grow.  It got me writing each and every day.  And for this I will always be thankful.

When I first signed up for this challenge I never really gave it much thought as to what it would bring into my life.  I did think that I would write every day.  I just was not certain as to the quality of the posts that I would be putting out there.  And as I look back at my blog posts from the past months some of them are really quite good.  This makes me incredibly happy.  I have also increased the traffic to my blog this past month by nearly 150%  Now more people know that A Pocket Full Of Rocks Exists.

I did think that I would find some interesting blogs to follow.  Which I did.  I did not learn however, how to ling my blog to that is something that I will need to continue to work on.  Here are my top five bloggers. Please note that they are not in any particular order.

DeAnn Malone
Tilla Brook
Tami Lynn - She will be removing her blog but I just wanted to include her because she kicked this challenges ass and I loved reading it!
Kieta Lynn

I have learned to make writing a priority in my life.  I have blogged every day and I have also taken part in a 31 day challenge over at .  I did however miss two days there because I wasn't willing to try and type 750 words out using my phone.  I will be sure to try again in August though.

The very best thing to come out of this challenge are the friendships.  Heck I even found myself with a BFF (Blogger Friend Forever).  I know that I have someone out there in the blog world that I can bounce ideas off of.  I also know that this friendship will continue to blossom for years to come.

I also know that I am incredibly grateful for Lesa Townsend who started and facilitated this challenge.  If you are looking for help to market your business on the internet you need to stop wasting time and head to .  This woman knows what she is talking about.

To you fellow challengers who may be reading this current post - Thank You For Your Support.  Please be sure to stay in touch.

To Everyone Else Who Reads This Blog - Thank you.  Thank you for taking the time to read it as often as you.  It means the world to me.

Much Love,


Ps:  Stay Tuned for another blog post celebrating my Husband's 40th Birthday which is today!

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Mary Mary Quite Contrary How Does Your Garden Grow?

A thought is just a thought and a thought can be changed!

Lately I have been paying attention to the attitudes of others.  I think about the thoughts that they say out loud.  I look at what it is that have or do not have in their lives.  And look at what it is that they are striving for.  And then I look at what it is that I am wanting to create in my life and what my thoughts are that are surrounding it.

What I find is that if I do not have something it is because I have a limiting belief that is not allowing that into my life.  Some lie that I have convinced myself to be true.  I have allowed this lie to take root in my thoughts.  That lie rooted in fear has grown and started to overtake my positive thoughts.  Much like weeds in an untended garden. These weeds or negative thoughts can grow large and unruly. They can begin to block out our light.  Drag us into depression. We do not need to allow this to happen to us.  As I said in the beginning, a thought is just a thought and a thought can be changed.

All of our power exists in the present moment.  I spend a lot of time reading Louise Hay's book - You Can Heal Your Life.  One thing that she reminds us in that book is that we control our mind.  We are in control of the thoughts that we think.  When we are in victim mode we focus on how hard it is to make any changes to our thoughts.  Especially if we have believed a lie wrapped in fear for a long time.  Here is one thing to keep in mind: Your old thought is already gone; you cannot change that thought but you can take control over your current thought.  If you are struggling to believe that you can change your thoughts here is an affirmation from Louise.  I now choose to believe it is becoming easier for me to make changes.  Repeat that over and over.  Write it over and over.  And soon you will find it is indeed easier to make changes.  Release your resistance to change.  Embrace the greatness that is coming to you.  Release the fear so that you may make room for the abundance.

This may seem like work at first.  After all you could be hacking away at an untended garden that has been that way for a lifetime.  But the work is worth it.  You will no longer be a helpless victim of your own thoughts, but rather a master of your own mind.

I have an area in my life where I have a self-limiting belief.  It surrounds my Women's Camping.Coaching Retreat.  I have one scheduled for the 23rd through 25th of August.  Registrations are not where I want them to be at this moment. Negative thoughts creep in.  "Cancel it.  No one is interested.  It isn't worth the money.  Why would someone listen to you? Don't waste your time."  Today I am tending to my garden.  I am releasing the need to think these thoughts any longer.  It will all work out the way that it should. Benefiting my greatest good.  I know that I have created this program with love.  I have been witness to how it can change the lives of others.  And how it positively influences my life to be part of the experience.  I also know that a retreat that allows women to come together.  To support one another.  To rewrite our stories of our past and to take us from victim to victor.  This program is more valuable than even I can put into words right now.  Women leave the weekend stronger and more confident.  They leave with a support system.  And they pass the message or at least part of it on to others.

What a shame it would be for me to allow some weeds to stand in the way of all of that.

Do you have any areas in your life where the weeds are taking over?  Where will you start weeding today?  Or perhaps you just need to start planting new flowers of positive thoughts. What will your garden look like at the end of the day? Week?  Month?

I wish you a day as beautiful as you.  Remember: You are loved, lovable, loving, worthy and deserving.  So go get your gardening gloves on.  Pull a weed.  Plant a seed.

Much much Love,


Monday, 29 July 2013

Days Like These...

We all have days where we feel our hearts swell with love.  We feel filled with overwhelming gratitude.  Today is one of those days for me.  I know that if today were one of my last days I would feel that I lived a great life.  Today was filled with love, joy, laughter, adventure, exercise, family and friends. My wish for you is that you experienced some of that today.  And if today did not provide that for you...may your tomorrows be overflowing of that.

And Kieta and Alissia....congratulations on your engagement.  I lift my glass to cheers you both.  May your lives be ever blessed and overflowing with love.

Much Love,

Happy Birthday To Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

I have been thinking about that it was that I was going to blog about ever since I signed up for the 31 day blog challenge over a month ago.  Today marks Day 29 of that challenge.  It also marks my 33rd birthday.

I have scratched out pages and pages of notes...all to get to this point today where I will completely disregard everything.  What I wanted to do this year is take time to write birthday letters to my loved ones.  And I have managed to on some of them and others I did not.  But I will use this platform to write a birthday letter to myself.  It may sound a bit odd but I am far from "normal".

Dear Elizabeth,

I am using your given name as you are finally growing into it.  Over the past year you have began to understand kindness and compassion.  You are showing some whispers of wisdom.  Therefore you can represent this name with some of the Grace that your namesake possessed.

This past year was a big one for you.  And I know that you have struggled to determine whether it was a successful one or not.  You may not have became a big time life coach or motivational teacher but you have taken great strides in personal growth.  You have learned the value in following your dreams.  You were able to push past the fear and begin a journey that has allowed you to touch the lives of others.

Along the way you have learned some valuable lessons.
1) There is a great amount of freedom in finally choosing to follow your dreams.
2) Lessons exist all around you.  It is up to you to find the lesson and apply it to your life.
3) Netflix can be a major distraction.  So can your cell phone, email, facebook and pinterest.
4) All situations have better outcomes when you approach them with love and kindness.
5) Forgiveness is valuable.  You forgive because you are deserving of the the freedom that comes with it.  It opens the door to healing.
6) Life is fleeting. Time is valuable.  Do not waste it. Make today count.
7) Football brings out the competitive side in you.
8) Being brave enough to try new things brings great rewards.
9) You write better in the early morning hours
10) Look within to see more of the lessons.  They are there.

You have tried new things in the past 365 days.  Some of which include:
1) Surfing
2) Women's Touch Football
3) Lobster, Crab, Sea Bass, Cerviche, Dim Sum, Octopus, Calamari, Shrimp
4) Writing daily
5) Mimosa's for breakfast every day for a week
6) Meditation on the beach
7) Hiking in West Glacier National Park
8) Running the Mud Hero and the Spartan Sprint
9) Competing in a Ranch Rodeo with your Dad

You have traveled more in the past year than ever before.
1) Playa Del Carmen, Mexico
2) Farallon, Panama
3) Whitefish, Montana
4) Fairmont Hot Springs, BC

You have had the following hairstyles:
1) Bald
2) Black Mohawk
3) Faux Hawk
4) Pink Hair
5) Bald
6) Black Hair
7) Blonde
8) and Currently...Blonde with Roots.

You have spent time in reflection.  Learned to let go of some of the things that have been weighing you down.  You have faced one of your greatest fears and came out the other side stronger than when you went in.

You have given of yourself to others.  Touched lives.  Made new friends.  Learned to let go of relationships that no longer served you even though it was hard.  You have laughed and loved more in this past year than some years combined.

Moving forward into the year and years ahead my wish for you is:  That you be blessed with more health, love and happiness than your heart and hands can hold.

Stay focused in the direction you are headed.  Read and write every day.  Never pass up an opportunity to help someone.  Do all things with love and kindness.  Learn something new every day.  Remember to laugh and play.  Cherish the time with the ones that you love.  Delaney will never be this age again. Include trips to the farm as part of your travel.  Lead Life Joyfully.

Much Love,

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Distracting Writing

I have come to the conclusion that I do not do my best writing when other people are in the house. I also know that I need to make writing a priority over socializing.   That being said...I indulged in living life this weekend.  And I made family and friends a priority over writing. And I am going to forgive myself For that in the morning.  After all, why be alive if not for to live.  I promise tomorrow will be a return to my blogging.

Much Love,

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Birthday Parties Trumped Blogging

I can't believe it. I was so distracted by the birthday celebrations that I failed to 27 of the 31 day challenge.  Feeling blessed beyond words.  My wish for you: may today bring you as much joy, love and passion as my day held.

Much love,

Friday, 26 July 2013

Gone But Not Forgotten

But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength
They shall mount up with wings like Eagles
They shall run and not be weary
They shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31

This passage always will bring me back to a day in history.  First I will remember July 26, 1993.  When I typed that just now I thought I must have typed the dates wrong.  Because it feels like just yesterday and yet clearly it was 20 years ago.  Memories flood in so quickly my eyes immediately well with tears.  A weight seems to land on my chest and my heart reminds me that a piece of it is missing.

20 years ago today my friend, my best friend, Jon Groothuysen passed away.  All too young.  He was riding his dirt bike with his brother.  They were racing home to tell their Mom goodbye before she left for work.  As they came over an approach a truck ran the stop sign and struck Jon's bike.  He was thrown into a nearby field.  He was rushed to the hospital and could not be stabilized enough for air transport.  That day his mom was the one to say goodbye.

I remember some details about that day.  Like talking to my friend on the phone and giggling about how I had finally agreed to say yes to Jon asking me out.  You see the Sunday prior he passed a message to my friend Lena, asking if I would be his girlfriend.  And I was supposed to tell her the answer.  Lena and I had already talked on the phone once that afternoon.  So when I called her back the second time something sounded different in her voice.  Her voice was lost, disoriented.  Almost like the sounds coming from her mouth had somehow bypassed her heart.  I let her go and was preparing to head outside to go for a ride, when the phone rang again.  It was Lena and she was calling to tell me that there had been an accident.  That Jon had been hit by a truck and he was in the hospital.  So many things flash through your mind in an instant.  Like your brain fires all nerves at once and your thoughts rush your brain.  And your heart tries to break free from your chest, and your air escapes your lungs and your stomach drops first to the floor and then tries to exit via your mouth.  I remember thinking well Lena has this all wrong.  It was Jarl that was hit by the truck.  Not Jon.  He was the one.  Why can't Lena get it right.  Oh Lord please let Lena be wrong.  Our love story was just starting.  Who would drive me to the hospital to sit with him?  How bad could it be?  Oh please just let him live.

Some of the details following that are foggy now.  I am not sure if it because of the time that has passed.  Or the fact that I was trying so very hard for it not to be really happening.  Perhaps it is a combination.  I do recall that I got the news later that evening that he had slipped away.  To a better place they said.  I remember thinking that he didn't need to go anywhere better.  He was here with me.  And in an instant he was gone.  He would never know that I loved him.  That I was going to have answered yes.

As I am writing this, I cannot be certain that today marks the anniversary of his death.  It feels like it was.  I have never doubted it before today.  But as I sit here writing this I just cannot believe that his parents were able to hold his funeral just a few days later on July 29th.  This date will never be erased.  Because that date marked my thirteenth year.  But rather than the birthday party that Jon was supposed to be attending of mine, I was at his funeral.  This was not how the world was supposed to work.  Teen years are do not start them without your best friend.  I remember staring at his casket covered with roses and thinking...any minute now he is going to pop up and make a joke about it.  He was always a prankster.  But he didn't.  And when we processed past the casket I remember his Dad grabbing me so tightly and telling me that Jon loved me.  I am not certain whether it was his mom or his dad that pressed a card into my hand.  But that card had a picture of an eagle on it.  And the bible verse listed above.

As life goes on I look to the sky for an eagle.  When I see one it brings me comfort that his is there with me.  In his own little way.  Watching out for me.  Standing with me.  He may be gone from this world in a physical sense.  But his energy remains with us.

Jon, twenty years may have passed since I last held your hand or laughed at one of our many inside jokes but I have never forgotten the way your whole face smiled.  It is forever etched in my heart.  You may be gone - but never forgotten.

Much Love,

Thursday, 25 July 2013

The Freedom of Forgiveness

This morning was one of those mornings where I actually woke up before my alarm.  This could have been because of Jaguar and another cat fighting outside the window.  Or perhaps because Maggie the Boxer raced out the door to see what all of the fuss was about.  Or perhaps even so that I would save my husband from having to hear my 5 am alarm and then me fumbling around for it trying to shut it off.  I am not certain.  What I would like to think is that this morning was to allow my thoughts to rise like the sun.  That I could lift them from slumber to a place of love and light.

Lately I have been dealing with petty drama with my football team.  Most of which being sparked by me and my desire to equate having fun with getting the ball rather than enjoying a beautiful evening surrounded by remarkable women.  I get the message.  In fact I think that I just GOT that message.

Before I get too far into my blog I would like those of you reading this to think of people who are facing a journey up a hill much steeper than yours.  Send them love and light.  In this moment I am holding a woman I never met in my thoughts.  She was just given the message that she has stage four cancer and six months to live.  The enormity of that message is washing over her friends and family like a tsunami.  My wish for them is first for a miracle and that they may find peace, love and comfort in all of this in their own ways.

I am also thinking of a friend's brother who lives in High River.  They just replaced their vehicle that was lost in the flood and four days after their shiny new car was hit by a severe hail storm.  May they find a pleasant surprise coming to them soon.

Another friend recently lost her job, and then had more news that is making her feel like someone is pulling the rug out from beneath her feet.  My wish for her is that she finds her footing and grows through this time rather than just going through it.


When I wake up early in the morning I am able to watch the sun rise through my kitchen window as I sit before my computer.  This in itself is a blessing.  I am able to enjoy the quiet and serenity that exists before the rest of the house wakes up.

On mornings like this I am able to quickly get my 750 words of writing out of the way and then spend some time in meditation.  When I am meditating I often ask for a message.  These messages are always pertinent to what is happening in my life at that moment. Sometimes I share that message in a blog.  Today I one of those days.

Some days we need to let things go.  Letting go of past hurts will make room for good things to come into our lives.  We often tell ourselves that we can't forgive them because the person did something so egregious that it does not deserve forgiveness.  So we carry this hurt, anger, shame, blame and resentment around with us.  And it weighs on us.  It burdens our heart and our soul.  If we carry it long enough it poisons our thoughts.  We stay in the mindset of a victim.  We make all of our choices from there.  We begin to not trust others.  We no longer give of ourselves and our love freely for we could get hurt again.  We become prisoners.  We blame others for all of the unhappiness and ugliness that surround us.

Today I am going to reflect on my life.  And I am going to look for areas where I am harboring resentment and blame towards another. And I will forgive everyone in my past for all of the perceived wrongs.  I will give them the benefit of the doubt that they were doing all that they could in that moment.  That what they did in that moment was the very best that they could.  And I will forgive them.  I will forgive for my sake.  And I will forgive myself of the things that I have done in my past.  I will relieve myself of all of the feelings of guilt that I am carrying.  I will give myself benefit of the doubt that I was doing the best that I could in that very moment.  And know that the person I am today would not react that same way.  That I do not have to feel guilty about my actions.  That I should celebrate that I have grown into a person who would do something differently in that given situation.  I will put down those burdens and make room for further greatness to flow into my life.

Perhaps reading this you are thinking of areas in your life where you could forgive others and even yourself.  I would love if you would do just that.  You are worthy of greatness.  You are lovable, loving and loved.  You deserve it.

Wishing you a day as Beautiful as you,

Much Love,


Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Some day you herd butterflies...

Allow me to apologize upfront for this blog.  In order to read it you may need to slip into the mindset of a person who is trying to herd butterflies with only a Q-Tip and a Paper Clip.  Why? You ask.  Well that is what my thoughts are like.  All over the place.  Flitting here and there.  And the rational side of my brain is left holding a Q-Tip and a Paper Clip to organize them.  Good Luck with that.

Over the last three days I have been struggling with something.  I am trying to determine how much energy one should put into something that is no longer fun.  What is the pay off?  It was only in this very moment of typing this that I realized that I need to ask better questions.  The first question I should be asking myself is what is ultimate payoff for doing this even if it was still fun?  Since I am talking about football.  It is relatively easy to answer the question.  Best case scenario - I would make new friends. I would learn.  I would laugh.  I would get fitter, faster, stronger. I would grow as a person. Learn new insights on how team dynamics work.  I would have fun for four hours a week.  The way it stands currently is that:
1) I will learn that team sports brings out an ugly side of me
2) I will get some exercise
3) I will have some new friends
4) I will learn some things about football
5) I will grow as a person
6) I will have fun but not for the full four hours
7) I will learn new skills for coping with frustration

One thing that I need to sort out is what the lesson is.  Is the Universe trying to teach me to persevere through adversity?  Or is the Universe trying to teach me that time is valuable and you should do what you love and eliminate unnecessary stress?  Because depending on the choice I make I am choosing one lesson over another.

As it stands right now, I am going to play out the season.  For a variety of reasons.  One of which may be that I am bat shit crazy at times.  I do not like to quit.  And me quitting would mean one less person on the field on game day and that could make the difference between the game being played or forfeited.  And that isn't right to do to the other Ladies on the team.  They paid so they could play and have fun this season.  Also, I have the chance to practice my leadership skills.  One does not require a title to lead.  Who knows maybe I can also teach someone else some leadership principles.  Besides football provides me with great blog fodder.  As long as I am having some semblance of fun and I am able to see the lesson hidden amid the  drama then I will continue to play.  At least these are my thoughts in this moment.

Ask me again in ten minutes.  I may have changed my mind.  I keep asking myself: Am I deciding this from a place of faith? Or fear? Am I doing this because it is what I think is best for others?  Or is it what I truly want to do? Which choice best represents my values? Maybe I should consult a magic eight ball.  Or my pendulum.  Or flip a coin. Regardless soon I must get off the fence because it is hurting my ass and I am getting tired of running from one side to the other.

How is it that you make decisions about the use of your time? Are you currently struggling with a decision?  Perhaps we could help each other out.

Wishing you a day as Beautiful as you,

Much Love,


Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Fear? Or Faith??? Victim? Or Leader?

Day 23 of the #31 Day Blog Challenge.  Woot Woot.

As I was standing in the shower ( I do my best thinking there) I started to question where I make my decisions from.  When I am making a decision do I make it from a place of fear?  Filling the role of the Victim?  Or do I make the decision from a place of Faith? As a Leader of my Life?  Do I stand in a position of Power?  Or crouch in the corner and cower?  

We are always presented with choices.  There is a flip side to every coin.  I am not saying that there is always a choice that is filled with sunshine and rainbows.  Sometimes we have to choose between two outcomes and neither of them seem very good.  That is what life is like at times.  It is our mindset that determines the outcome.  If we make choices as a victim we will never be pleased with the turnout.  We will always be looking to fix blame on someone.  Even if the outcome was good...we will be looking to blame someone for why it wasn't even better.  And that someone we will fix blame on will never be ourselves.  It will always be others.  When we make a decision from a place of power we are focusing less on the problem and more on the solution.  We can see the current choice as a springboard or stepping stone to move us further ahead.  When we act out of fear we are unable to move ahead smoothly because we are dragging the past along with us.  All that baggage makes it hard to move forward with much momentum. 

When you go to make a decision ask yourself...fear or faith...where am I acting from?  If it is a time out.  Take a deep breath and look at how you could tweak your mindset to make yourself feel better about the decision. Do YOUR best.  That is all that matters.  And are exactly where you should be. After all you have spent your entire life getting to this very spot.

"Everything you ever wanted is on the other side of fear." - George Addair

Have a Brave and Beautiful Day!

Much Love,

Monday, 22 July 2013

The Beauty of the Rose

The war of the roses.  Lately I have heard lots of talk regarding race and highlighting our differences.  I have heard cruel things spoken about another and people pointing out the "ugliness" of others.  I am not debating whether or not racism exists today or not.  
What I would like to do is highlight how we are all different and yet one in the same.  There are many different races that exist on this planet and yet we are all part of the same species.

Let us look at roses.  There are many different species of roses but they all belong to the family of plants called Rosaceae.  Roses come in many different colors. Pinks, whites, reds, purples, yellows, oranges, multi colored.  Some hold their petals tight together when they bloom.  Others open wide. Each rose speaks its own language (love, peace, friendship, sympathy).  Some have sharper thorns than others. Some live longer than others.  But the one thing that all roses have in common is their beauty.  Each rose looks different but all are beautiful. 
Why is it that we as humans feel the need to look at the ugliness in others?  What would happen if we all looked at each other and searched for the beauty in ourselves and others?  What would that world look like? 
 When we speak unkindly to others or about others it is because we are uncomfortable with something within ourselves.  My wish for us is that we begin each day and each interaction on a quest for beauty.  Look for the beauty in everyone you meet today.  Start first with yourself and then spread that love and light to others.

Here is a quote I have collected along the way.  I am sorry that I do not know the author.  "Our days are happier when we give people a piece of our heart rather than a piece of our minds."

"Strong people don't put others down...they lift them up!"
 Michael P. Watson.

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone." Audrey Hepburn

Wishing you a day as beautiful as you are for you are beautiful, deserving, worthy and loved.

Much Love,


Sunday, 21 July 2013

Today I am Grateful For....


I have been working on developing routines so that I may become consistent in my work.  I am certain I have blogged about how you need consistency to be successful.  What you do daily determines what your future successes will look like...etc.  Anyway, I have been looking at things to add to my routine.  Something that I struggle with and I have been improving on this over the last few weeks.

There are a few things that I have done that I find are making a huge difference.  One...I signed up for the #31dbc...a challenge that I will post on my blog every day for the entire month of July.  And so far I am on Day 21.  I am counting this as a win.  Some posts are better than others...but every day there is a post.  The other thing that I started doing was a suggestion of this challenge.  And that was to write 750 words every day.  To help you get your creative juices flowing, to rid yourself of blockages, etc.  Lesa Townsend directed us to and I have been working at writing there.  I have missed two days this month.  I could make excuses but truth of the matter is that I didn't make it a priority.  So I didn't do it.  Shocking how that happens.  Some days when I am trying to write my 750 words I am impatient, it is uncomfortable and I get irritated.  And other days it flows from my fingertips.  What I have now started to do is to go to  I read the daily positive affirmations and then I write what each of them stirs up inside of me.  Some days I just write them over and over again.  But I still write my words.  This has become my meditation.  It is a means of catharsis for me.  And for this I am incredibly grateful.

These days I am so grateful.  I am grateful for my life.  I love my life.  And I am grateful for all of the people in it.  And all of the lessons those people bring into my life. I am grateful for the #31dbc because I believe that it has changed my life and it has put me in touch with so many inspiring individuals.  And I am grateful for because it has given me a new way to practice meditation.  I am grateful for all of you who read my blog.  And for those of you that take the time to comment on it.

For all of you who have crossed my path and to all of you who I will cross paths with in the future....Thank you Thank you Thank you.

Sending you much Love and Many Blessings,


Saturday, 20 July 2013

Korean BBQ

This is slightly off topic from my usual posts.  But...that is the perk to having ones own blog.  You get to write what you want.  LOL

Ok, for the past two weeks at least I have been craving Korean BBQ.  I want it every day.  The weird part of this is that I have never had Korean BBQ before.  But, something inside my brain told me that I wanted it.   No Mom - I am not pregnant.
Lately I have been on a kick of trying new things.  Stepping outside of my comfort zone and getting a little uncomfortable.  Well today...was Korean BBQ day.  Finally!  I am not sure what you are like.  But I make it a habit to check out menus of places before we ever go there.  I need to choose what I am going have when I get there.  Oh sure, I listen to the special, sometimes I am even swayed to try that instead but typically...I order what I had in mind.  I like to have a plan and I follow the plan.  My husband tells me that isn't planning.  It is being neurotic.  Meh, whatevs.

Back to Korean BBQ.  My husband picked up the takeout menu and had the guy circle the popular items on the menu and tell him what dishes he most preferred.  And then he handed it off to me.

I had to start with the dumplings.  I am a huge fan of dumplings.  Pot stickers, perogies, gyoza, pierogies, wontons....I don't care what you call them...I love them.  These ones were deep fried dumplings. Beef rather than pork.  But I wasn't going to let that stop me.

Next I ordered Spicy Pork Bulgogi followed by Kimchi Pork Hotspot.  My husband snuck in an order of Jajangmyun (noodles in a black bean sauce).

I was a little afraid that I had built this up to taste better than it actually would.  Regardless of that I was salivating by the time my husband walked in the door with it.

We started with the Kimchi Pork Hotspot.  It was marked HOT on the menu so I was expecting some spice.  It definitely lived up to that label.  Spicy delicious, soupy, porky, cabbagey goodness.  Wowsers.  I want more thinking of it.  I left the tofu in the bowl.  I am still not a fan of tofu.  It should be called NOFU.  I highly recommend this dish if you find yourself battling a summer cold.  It will have your sinuses running in no time.

Next were the dumplings.  Sadly disappointing.  I think that it was because they were deep fried.  It killed most of the flavor and by the time they got home they were wilted and chewy rather than crispy.  The beef filling was good.  I enjoyed it independently from the wrapper.

I followed the dumplings with Spicy Pork Bulgogi on steamed white rice.  Totally delicious.  Nice and spicy.  Many layers of flavors.  Great with extra kimchi and whatever the other pickled side dish was.  The pickled side dish helped to cut the heat.

Jajangmyun - Even though my mouth was warm from the previous dishes, I still felt that it had good flavor.  I am a little twisted so I was wishing it can with more spice.  Next time I will eat that first.

All in all, I will be visiting the Korean BBQ House again. Many times over.  Perhaps in August during my 30 Day Bravery Challenge I will order Altang (Black Cod Eggs and Tofu) and the Spicy Octopus Stir Fry.

The fact that the food turned out to be delicious was just a bonus.  I was proud of myself for trying something new.  After all...Neale Donald Walsh summed it up perfectly...Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.  I can rest easy knowing I lived a little today.

Try something new....I double dog dare you! Lead Life Joyfully!

Much Love,


Friday, 19 July 2013

A Few Quotes....

I have a book.  It is divided into three sections.  In the first section I write all that I am grateful for.  Some days I write one thing down.  Some days I can fill pages.

In the second section I write all of my dreams and hopes for my future...and the future of my friends, family and the world.

The third section is comprised of quotations.  I find these quotes in books that I read, facebook and even moments on pinterest.

Tonight, I would like to share with you a page of those quotes.  I hope that you enjoy them and they speak to you in a way that they spoke to me.

You can't make the other fellow feel important in your presence if you secretly feel he is a nobody. - Les Giblin.

I you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend. Abe Lincoln

Fear nothing but to waste the present moment - Mark Sanborn

The average estimate themselves by what they do, the above average by what they are. Johann Friedrich Von Schiller.

Courage is the most important of all virtues, because without courage, you cannot practice any of the other virtues consistently. - Maya Angelou

A voice in me said, you have to rise to the occasion or the best in you will die.  we always have that voice; we just ahve to make a choice to listen to it. We all have it; that's God's given right, It's just whether you have the courage to step into your destiny. Lily Yeh

Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion. Gerog Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Success is liking yourself, liking what you do & liking how you do it. Maya Angelou

I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure, which is: Try to please everybody. Herbert Bayard Swope

The is only one be able to spend your life in your own way. Christopher Morley

My wish for you reading this is that you find the passion within you and that you let it bubble over and spill out into all that you do and that will lead you in the direction of your destiny.

Have a day as Beautiful as You!

Much Love,

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Be True To You

Good Morning!  Today I am writing on the topic.  Authentic.  This word keeps popping into my head.  I am not certain why it is.  But I can only think that it is because I have some room to grow in this area.  And maybe, just maybe you will learn something too.

I have heard plenty of people throw the word around.  I have heard it used in so many different ways that I had to look up the meaning.  Let me first share with you the last two ways I have heard this term used in my social circle.
1) Do you like my purse?  It's Coach.  It's authentic.
2) I had just told my friend that I don't think I could meet up with her because I am short on energy so it would be best if I stayed home.  She thanked me for being authentic.

Now back to the definition.  There are a few different definitions for authentic.  However, there is one in particular that I like best.  Authentic: True to one's own personality, spirit, character.

As I look at this definition I know that there was a reason that I was lead to write about this word.  Do you ever struggle with being authentic?  Do you ever let someone else's thoughts, ideals or opinions influence you?  Do you ever dial it down a notch, laugh a little quieter, stifle a giggle, wear a different shirt, avoid a hair cut because of what someone else may think? Perhaps you even talk yourself out of taking a job because you are worried what someone else may think. Or maybe you chose your University major because of what your parent's wanted for you.

I know that I go through phases of my life where I allow myself to be influenced by others.  Where I have been inauthentic. Inauthentic: Not authentic, not genuine.
These phases are directly connected to my level of self confidence and opinion of my self worth. If I am ever feeling uncertain, unsure of myself or abilities I find myself molding my actions to model what I am thinking others would want to see from me.  This is a scary thing to admit.  Yup, at times I am not genuine.  Let me give you an example.

I have went to parties and social gatherings and only let the part of my personality show that I thought others would like.  I tittered rather than a full out belly laugh.  I tiptoed around subjects of politics, religion, school systems.  I kept my opinions firmly in check and smiled and nodded even when I was screaming inside.  It was like I left the true me locked in the trunk of the car.  And for what purpose?  So that people would like me?  Lets review what I was setting myself up for.  I faked who I was just so that these people who were vastly different from I would like me.  Well guess what?  Some of them did like me.  So I had to face being fake every time I was around these people just so they would continue to like me.  Exhausting.  Thankfully I got over that.  And not all of those people are in my social circle anymore.  And that is perfectly okay with me.

Here is another example.  And this one I hope my Daughter learns from me and doesn't learn it first hand.  When I was in my early 20's I went to work in a field that was predominantly men.  In fact it would be a big day if there were more than half a dozen females on the job site.  Back in the day I was cutie.  Not bragging.  But I had legs that went on for miles. Long hair. Tall and lean. Big eyes. And a nice rack.  And I was new at what I was doing in my field.  You see I was a Health and Safety Field Coordinator in the land of the tar sand.  And I was a little unsure of myself.  (Not my looks - I knew I was bringing stuff to the table with them).  But my brains.  I had taken a course or two.  Got good grades.  But I was a farm kid for heaven's sake.  Please someone tell me what a farmer knows about health and would make for a short book.  LOL.  There were two things I knew for sure thanks to my farming background:
1.  I could tell you the wrong way to do something.
2.  I could smell bullshit from a long ways away.

But when it came down to the details of health and safety in an entirely different industry with a lot at stake I was insecure.  It didn't help that there were more men on the job site than there was in my entire high school and I was responsible for ensuring that they were working safe.  It also didn't help that there was a teensy weensy little bit of an old boy's club that existed.

These guys would chew me up and spit me out all before first coffee.  So I did what I thought that I should.  I tried to adapt.  And by adapt.  I mean fit in.  And I tried to fit in at all costs.  I learned more colorful language than even my Dad knew.  I laughed at their jokes (and they were far from funny).  I played down my brains.  I learned to swill back whiskey.  I dressed to show off my ass-ets because that is what would keep their attention.  I became the safety girl they kept around because I was pretty to look at.  Thankfully I learned some actual industry knowledge along the way.  Eventually I was on the jobsite because I was good at what I did.  And I could hold my own against the men.  And I knew the legislation well enough that I could stand up and fight if I needed to.  Me being cute was just a bonus not the main attraction.

Those early years I was so far from authentic.  I was miles away from being true to my own personality, spirit and character.  And to look back on them can be a little painful. But I am also incredibly grateful for that experience.  Because I have been a work in progress ever since then.  I have learned the lesson about what can happen when you stray far from authentic.  And with a little luck, my story will teach my Daughter this lesson without her having to go through it to such an extreme.

Even now I stray from authentic some.  I don't write all that I want to for fear of what some may think.  I don't always say what is on my mind. And some days I wear a shirt because someone thinks it is cute even when I don't.  But each day is a journey.  I am still a work in progress.  As are you and everyone around us.

Help others stay true to themselves.  If you see someone looking different...don't judge them.  Applaud them for being unique.  Let your words lift them up rather than strip them down.  You don't want everyone to look like you. To be like you.  If they wouldn't shine as bright.

Leaving you with one last story.  A proud Mom's brag moment.  On Tuesday my little girl who is three went to her first dance class.  She was wearing leggings and a t-shirt.  All the other girls were dressed in pink leotards and tutu's. One girl pointed out to Delly that she wasn't wearing the same.  Delly replied "So??? I'm different!" and skipped off into the class.

Dare To Be Different. Be True To You. Lead Life Joyfully!

Much Love,

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Your Thoughts Are Your Compass


Do you ever find yourself questioning what is going on in your life?  Do you ever feel like you are the only one in the world who is feeling the way you are feeling right in this moment?  

Sometimes we get overwhelmed by a situation. Sometimes we sink into a state of despair.  Sometimes we find ourselves in the role of a victim. Sometimes life feels unfair. Unbearable. Sometimes we feel we just need a timeout.  

You are not alone. There are others in the world feeling exactly as you do now. How can I be sure of that? Well we are all of the human race. So it is a race issue. And all of us are connected. So right now at this very moment someone is feeling just as you do. Do not be afraid. Know that you have all the answers that you need right within you. You just need to listen closely to what you are saying and act on them. 

Try this for just a minute or thirty.  Breathe deep. In for four counts, hold for two counts, out for six. Again in for five counts, hold for two counts, out for seven. Repeat as often as necessary. Breathe deep into your belly. Feel good about it. Send love and light to yourself. First to all of your body and then to the areas where you feel pressure or pain. Where you can feeling the tightness of anxiety and fear. Just imagine this nice pink color traveling there. The pink brings with it healing and warmth. That's it. Just keep doing that.

 It feels good doesn't it. Tell yourself, you are exactly where you are and where you are right now in this very moment is where you need to be. You have spent your entire life getting here and this is where you are meant to be. Everything you need lies within you. All is perfect. All is well. It all works out the way it should. Benefiting your greatest good. I promise this to be true as it is the same for all of us. It is our divine birthright. You are loved, you are safe. You are beautiful, you are smart, you are kind, caring and compassionate. You are worthy and deserving. You are loved, lovable and loving. The love and energy of the Universe flows through you and within you. Take another deep breath. Inhale while counting to four exhale while counting to six. Inhale while counting to five exhale while counting to seven. You are safe. You are loved. All is perfect. All is well. All is perfect. All is well. Ahhhhhhhhh.

Sometimes we need to take a time out.  A moment of kindness to ourselves. Share this reminder with others.  Be kind. Be loving. Extend that to your treatment of yourself.

Have a day as beautiful as you are.

Much Love,


Tuesday, 16 July 2013

What Did You Love? And What Did You Learn?

I know that I have blogged about this before but I can't help it.  I am going to write about it yet again.

In May my Husband and I were super blessed to be in the audience of John C. Maxwell.  He spoke about many things and if you have read my blog more than twice you will realize that I am a huge fan of his.  I love what he has to say on many topics.  One thing that he said that I often reflect on is:
What did you Love? And what did you learn?

He asks this question of his children and grandchildren after they have spent a day together.  I found that this has really stuck with me.  I like to reflect on my day and ask myself those questions.
What did I Love?
What did I learn?
How will I apply the lessons?

I have started keeping a word document that I can keep all of these lessons in.  So that I can look back and reflect on such things.  It also gives me a good sense of whether or not I made good use of my day.  Am I grasping the lessons that are laid out before me?  Did I take the steps to make a difference in not only my life and that of my family but the lives of others?

Each day I strive to make an impact.  Each day I hope that the ripple grows wider and reaches more people. That is my goal each morning when I wake up.  To actively make use of my talents, skills and blessings.  To live my purpose or at least journey closer to further defining my purpose.  And I have noticed that since I have been getting intentional about doing this.  And (more) consistent about doing this.  It is paying off.

What is it that you do in the morning?  What are your first thoughts before your eyes even begin to open? Are they ones of love and kindness?  Are you thinking about your day and how you can grow and help others to grow?  Or are you smashing down on the snooze button, pulling your blanket over your head and burying your face in the pillow for another nine minutes of rest? Do you welcome the potential of the day?  Or drag your feet unwillingly into the morning?

I am blessed with being a morning person.  One of those incredibly energetic and enthusiastic (aka annoying) people.  Watching me in the morning is like watching a puppy greet you with enthusiasm after you have been gone all day or even just five minutes.  I love my mornings.  My husband on the other hand, is a snooze slapper.  He would hit snooze for hours if he could.  And I actually feel bad for him when he does crawl out of bed because I am there bursting with energy.  It must be like how Beastly and Dark Heart feel when they are trapped in the rainbow of the care bear stare.  LOL.

As you go about your day look for the lessons.  In all that you do ask yourself...what did I love about this experience?  And what did I learn?  How will you apply those lessons to your life?  Some of the answers may not seem like they are life changers but it all adds up.

I wish you a day as Beautiful as you.

Much Love,


Lead Life Joyfully

Monday, 15 July 2013

Loving what you do makes all the difference.

I have been thinking about this post since Friday.  I didn't take the time to write it until now because I spent the weekend camping with the family.

On Friday I went for lunch with a friend of mine.  He is a successful realtor and he works a lot.  Long hours. Many days in a row.  When I asked him what he was spending the weekend doing...he told me that he was working.  I asked him what he thought about the hours that he put in and whether or not it is worthwhile.  He told me that he loves hat he does so much that it doesn't seem like work.  And his hard work affords him  life style that he can go and enjoy his time off when he takes it.

When I was driving home from my lunch I noticed that a busy intersection was being directed by two traffic cops.  As I was waiting in the loooonnnnnnnnnggggggggg line I couldn't help but think of what those officers must have thought when they received that assignment.  I was thinking...busy intersection, beautiful Friday afternoon, yup, I would not want that job.  As I edged closer to the intersection one of the officers was directing me to turn left.  He kept edging me closer to the other lane.  Further and further and further.  Until I was literally in inch from his shins.  He then acted like I hit him.  Put on a clown act and a great big grin.  I laughed and laughed.  It made my entire day.  He made it into a joke.  And that made me realize why it is important to make the best of every situation.

It made me think...Loving what you do makes all the difference in the world.  It gives you the extra energy and enthusiasm to keep moving forward.  To have fun in a situation when others would frown through it.  To get up every day and make an impact.  Do you love what you do?  Do you love it so much to see it through?
My wish for you is that you do.  There will be days that are hard and frustrating.  But in the end it will all be worth it.  Do what you Love and See it Through.

Wishing you a day as Beautiful as you!

Much Love,

Sunday, 14 July 2013

The Camping Trip

This weekend we went camping.  And I can tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed the entire weekend.  Even the 12 hours of rain.  Our boxer Maggie got more than enough exercise to keep her happy.  She made a huge game of knocking her ball down the steep banks, into the lake and racing back up.  Her tongue was hanging out of her mouth so far I thought that she would step on it.  The pug....well camping is not her thing.  In fact the only reason she comes is for the hot dogs.

Delaney loved camping.  She was super excited that she was able to sleep in her princess tent.  It was a big event for her to set it up.  It started out just right outside our tent door and she was determined to sleep in it. By bedtime, she still wanted to sleep in her tent but we had to move the tent inside our tent.  In reality she lasted five minutes in her tent but she loved every minute of them.  She spent the rest of the weekend hogging my sleep mat and sleeping bag.  She loved not having to wash her hair. Building sand cakes.  And playing in the playground.  She also loved the option of having hot dogs for every meal.

My husband liked the fact that there was no set agenda.  He was surprised at how well he slept.

I, on the other hand did not sleep well at all.  A single sleeping mat and bag is not designed for a three year old, two dogs and a tired mama.  Each time I noticed Chris sleeping peacefully I wanted to poke him in the eye.  The first night was so cold that our boxer woke me up with her chattering teeth.  When you can see your breath in the tent in the morning...It is chilly.  I was so thankful that I could sit in the CRV with the heater on high and the heated seats on.  Maggie enjoyed it also.  By the time Chris and Delaney woke up the sun was shining and it was much warmer.

As we walked around the campsite I really questioned whyy people camp with RVs.  The number of satellite dishes astounded me.  Few people we out enjoying the sunshine.  They were in their trailers with the tv on and the air conditioning running.  I couldn't understand the point of packing up things to go and sit in the trailer.  Why not just save money on fuel and watch tv at home?  I questioned this reasoning behind this until approximately 8:30pm...when it started to pour.  And it continued to pour until 8:30am.  LOL.  There was a part of me that was wishing that we had a cozy trailer to crawl into.  I was happy that I got to crawl into bed extra early.  I was grateful for the tarp we had put up above our tent.  Only one corner of our tent filled with water.  And the area that flooded did not contain my pillow.  LOL.

I am very grateful that we were able to spend this weekend together.  Quiet, early mornings, sunrises, campfires and sunsets....all of these things make me smile.  Watching my loved ones laugh and play made the weekend worthwhile.  Being able to take Delaney on her first ever camping trip created a memory for a lifetime.  Maybe not for her but for Chris and I.

 What did you create this weekend?  What did you try for the first time?  How will you stretch and grow yourself this week?

Lead Life Joyfully

Much Love,


Saturday, 13 July 2013

Gone Camping

Good morning! It is day 13 of the 31 day blog challenge and I am loving.   I am hoping to be able to write an actual post later.  But....if I do not....this is my feeble attempt at posting from my phone.

This weekend is a family camping weekend.   It is the first time we have ever camped with our three year old and only the second time camping with my husband.  So far so good. All though I was very happy when it warmed up to 5 degrees.  It was slightly cooler than what we planned for.

One thing that I chuckled about this morning was that camping is that at home coffee is ready in an instant thanks to my keurig. And toast takes ages.  But the opposite. 

Anyway, I must go back to making sand cakes with Delaney.

Wishing you a day as beautiful as you.

Much love,

Friday, 12 July 2013

The Main Event

This morning I was doing a little reading.  In fact, it is my favorite way to start the day.  Before my eyes even open I am grateful for the roof over my head, my comfy bed and another day ahead.  I then like to read a book that will inspire and influence me.  Some days I am able to read longer than others. Some days I am lucky to get a page or even a quote read.  But either way it is how I like to start my day.

Now back to my reading.  In John C. Maxwell's "The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth" he has a section called the Law of Design.  This chapter talks about the importance of designing a growth plan that will allow you to be consistently extraordinary.  And in order to do so....the plan must be simple.  As you read on you find that simple does not equate to easy.  

Life is not a dress rehearsal.  We all know this.  YOLO - You only life once is a commonly used term these days.  And yet...the majority of us position ourselves to be reactive rather than proactive.  Sure, sure some of us may plan out retirement funds.  But seldom do we plan much further than that.  I am going to work at this job or many until I get to a certain age and then I can quit working and do something that I like.  We spend more time planning holiday time and dinner party menus than we actually spend planning our growth.  It is a wonder we end up doing anything at all with our lives.  

I am not painting all of you with the same brush so don't get your feathers ruffled.  I am merely sharing what I got from the book.  This has shown me that I have a lot more growth opportunities than I even imagined.  And I know why people do not plan things out in greater detail.  It is A LOT of work.  Come on....have you even planned a turkey dinner for 25+ people?  The mere thought of it is exhausting.  And now I am considering planning my personal growth?  Gah!  I'm tired already and I haven't even started yet.  LOL.  But in reality, we only get one time around.  And if you want to get the most from need to put the effort in.

John talks about how his favorite time of year is just after dinner on Christmas day until New Years Day.  He spends this time reviewing his calendar for the entire previous year.  He examines in great detail how he spent every hour.  And then he makes adjusts wherever necessary for his plan for the upcoming year. Wow!  What a great idea.  Now I wish it was December so that I could try that.

My biggest takeaway from the reading this morning was...Ask yourself every morning...What is the main event for today?  Plan your day around that. What steps do you need to take throughout the day to ensure that your energy and focus goes into making the main event a success?  Understand what those steps are going to be and take those steps.

What is your main event for today?  Mine is taking my little girl camping for her very first time. Now if you will excuse me there are some things I must to to make this day a success.  

Much Love,
