C was born July 31, 1973. His loving parents figured that he was such a blessing in their lives that they decided to stop there and not have any more children after that. One thing that I know for certain is that when people say that only children are "spoiled" I would vehemently disagree. I would like to think of them as saturated. Children are sponges. So they absorb everything around them. Only children absorb a huge amount of love, caring and kindness. It saturated his every cell and now it continuously pours out to all who are around him. I can only wish that for our Daughter.

My Dearest C,

Today is your 40th birthday. Here we are celebrating another milestone together. May this trend continue on for many, many more years. As I would like to build a tradition of the birthday letter, here is mine to you. I bet you are happy that I kept it private and only posted it on my blog.
My entire life changed on April 18th, 2009. I remember being so excited to meet you. Waiting at the door for you to pick me up for our first lunch date. Little did I know that I would be waiting for you for many, many years to come. I am sure glad that you are worth the wait. I like to believe that one of the reasons you were brought into my life was to show me patience and to teach me to slow down and smell the roses. That first lunch date was amazing. I will be forever indebted to Bobbi for introducing us.
You have brought so many good things into my life. It is improbable that I would be able to put them all into a single birthday letter. Good thing that I will have many more birthdays to share with you.
You are kind. So incredibly kind. And I am so glad that this trait has started rubbing off on me. You show that kindness to perfect strangers, to your family, and essentially all living things. You even catch and release flies and bugs that come into the house.
You are incredibly thoughtful. You think about the details and you make everyone feel at ease. You take those extra steps to transcend things from ordinary to extraordinary.

You are an amazing Husband and Father. I couldn't even begin to put into words how grateful I am to have you in my life. I cannot wait until you take steps to further your journey. To really spend time creating and cultivating your dream. I know that what ever dream you choose to chase will be wonderful. And it will be a blessing that will reach countless people. I hope you don't take too long to figure it out as it seems almost selfish for me to keep you all to myself.

All my Love,
Your Adoring Wife,

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