As I was standing in the shower ( I do my best thinking there) I started to question where I make my decisions from. When I am making a decision do I make it from a place of fear? Filling the role of the Victim? Or do I make the decision from a place of Faith? As a Leader of my Life? Do I stand in a position of Power? Or crouch in the corner and cower?
We are always presented with choices. There is a flip side to every coin. I am not saying that there is always a choice that is filled with sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes we have to choose between two outcomes and neither of them seem very good. That is what life is like at times. It is our mindset that determines the outcome. If we make choices as a victim we will never be pleased with the turnout. We will always be looking to fix blame on someone. Even if the outcome was good...we will be looking to blame someone for why it wasn't even better. And that someone we will fix blame on will never be ourselves. It will always be others. When we make a decision from a place of power we are focusing less on the problem and more on the solution. We can see the current choice as a springboard or stepping stone to move us further ahead. When we act out of fear we are unable to move ahead smoothly because we are dragging the past along with us. All that baggage makes it hard to move forward with much momentum.
When you go to make a decision ask yourself...fear or faith...where am I acting from? If it is fear...call a time out. Take a deep breath and look at how you could tweak your mindset to make yourself feel better about the decision. Do YOUR best. That is all that matters. And remember...you are exactly where you should be. After all you have spent your entire life getting to this very spot.
"Everything you ever wanted is on the other side of fear." - George Addair
Have a Brave and Beautiful Day!
Much Love,
"Everything you ever wanted is on the other side of fear." - George Addair
Have a Brave and Beautiful Day!
Much Love,
So excited to see George's quote in your blog. Also, these ideas have all kinds of deep thoughts swirling in my brain. Today, I'm leading and by the grace of god, tomorrow I will too. Here's to our best, which let's face it, is pretty awesome. :)