Wednesday, 8 February 2017

The Power of Energy

Do you know what I hear most from people?  It isn't about my hair, or my height or my laugh that sounds like a donkey when I really get laughing hard.

People almost always say, that they love my energy. And they comment like that whether they are meeting me in person, reading a post, watching a livestream or talking to me on the phone. And I never used to really take to heart what a compliment that truly was. I brushed it off. One day I asked people what the number one compliment that they receive was and I heard a plethora of answers. None of which had anything to do with energy.

This got me thinking that this compliment was a pretty beautiful one to receive. And when I think of people that I believe have great energy, they are some of the greats. I am in the same category as them. Whoa. Cooooool. Let's take a quick detour for a second. I want you to think of the compliment that you receive the most. Can't think of one? Ask on Facebook what people love most about you. When you get your answer, take a moment to really breathe it in. Own that sucker. Because it is yours. Sure, it may be a little uncomfortable to ask for compliments and then to really let them sink in. Instead you are much more comfortable sitting in all the shitty things you tell yourself. And that could range from cottage cheese thighs to being stupid, a chickenshit, a loser, a dumbass, etc. Challenge yourself to really sit with your greatness for a moment today.

Ok, returning to the freeway. Our energy is so incredibly important. It determines what kind of day you are going to have. It radiates out from you, like an invisible bat signal. People read it consciously and unconsciously. It tells people everything about you. Whether or not they want to come closer, or run away. Whether or not they want to trust you, get to know you, like you. BUY FROM YOU even.

So answer me this, how much time and effort do you spend really tuning into your energy and adjusting it for the type of day that you wish to have? For the benefits that you wish to receive?

My guess, as I look out onto the world of social media and the interwebz, is that you aren't giving it much attention. And that can be for a plethora of reasons. You didn't know it was that important. You had an inkling of an idea and just had no clue how to adjust it. Or you knew, you are busy doing so many other things that this falls off the page of your get to do list. Or you just don't give a shit.
Tune in as to your answer as you read this. No judgment as to which category you fall into. You get to choose. But do not doubt for one second that if you choose to shift your energy, that it has the power to shift your results and your life.

Want to know how to shift your energy? Check back on my blog tomorrow. I will share my Top Five Tips for Topping Up Your Energy Tank.

Already know how? Then click comment and let me know. I am always up for learning more ways to increase my energy.

I hope that you have found this blog to be helpful and that it has reminded you to tune into your energy a little more frequently than you have been. Are you already seeing amazing results from tuning into your energy? Click Here To Tell Me All About It!!!!

Until tomorrow, I wish you a day as Beautiful as you,

So much Love & Gratitude,


1 comment:

  1. Great post! Working actively on my energy these last few days - Music helps me, playing with my cards helps, a shower, a ride on the bike. Just being away from people to fucking bring me down helps! Can't wait to see yours!
