Tuesday 7 February 2017

What People Desire Most

Today I spent the day at the hospital with one of my best friends. We are so close that I call her Sista Krista. If anyone asks, I always say she is my sister. Now, because I am a kind and loving friend, I will not plaster her medical history all over the interwebz.

As I sat with her, she reminded me of what people desire most. Do you know what that is? Nope, it isn't a Big Mac. Krista only wants those AFTER we leave the hospital. People want to feel heard.

Have you ever been trying in vain to get your point across only to have someone gulping like a guppie waiting for you to take a breath so they could get a word in edgewise? Or worse, you are sharing with someone, something really personal only to receive no response at all because they are mindlessly scrolling facebook or texting someone else?

Now, I fully admit, I have been guilty of both responses. And it is rude as hell. I have likely taken it even ten steps further and spoke over them while they were still talking (the loudest person wins) or walked out of the room while they were still speaking.

The greatest gift we can give someone is the willingness to listen.To give up our need to be right, to comment, have an opinion, fix, argue, disagree or even agree with someone. To remember that each and every single one of us are Divine beings. We have all walked our own paths and developed our own perspectives.

When we listen in this manner we give them the opportunity to talk things out, to sort through things, in their own space, and in their own way. We do not rob them of the spiritual experience and opportunity for growth. We show love through listening. It is so empowering to remember that we are all powerful and have the ability to figure it out.

Did you know that listening with your heart is a spiritual practice? Sit with another person and let them know that you are just going to listen. Simply hold space for them. Witness them as they voice their truth. And see what miracles unfold.

How powerful would it be to grant someone the gift that they desire most and it won't even cost you a dime?

Are you looking for someone to listen? Let's connect. Book a time here.

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