Sunday, 21 July 2013

Today I am Grateful For....


I have been working on developing routines so that I may become consistent in my work.  I am certain I have blogged about how you need consistency to be successful.  What you do daily determines what your future successes will look like...etc.  Anyway, I have been looking at things to add to my routine.  Something that I struggle with and I have been improving on this over the last few weeks.

There are a few things that I have done that I find are making a huge difference.  One...I signed up for the #31dbc...a challenge that I will post on my blog every day for the entire month of July.  And so far I am on Day 21.  I am counting this as a win.  Some posts are better than others...but every day there is a post.  The other thing that I started doing was a suggestion of this challenge.  And that was to write 750 words every day.  To help you get your creative juices flowing, to rid yourself of blockages, etc.  Lesa Townsend directed us to and I have been working at writing there.  I have missed two days this month.  I could make excuses but truth of the matter is that I didn't make it a priority.  So I didn't do it.  Shocking how that happens.  Some days when I am trying to write my 750 words I am impatient, it is uncomfortable and I get irritated.  And other days it flows from my fingertips.  What I have now started to do is to go to  I read the daily positive affirmations and then I write what each of them stirs up inside of me.  Some days I just write them over and over again.  But I still write my words.  This has become my meditation.  It is a means of catharsis for me.  And for this I am incredibly grateful.

These days I am so grateful.  I am grateful for my life.  I love my life.  And I am grateful for all of the people in it.  And all of the lessons those people bring into my life. I am grateful for the #31dbc because I believe that it has changed my life and it has put me in touch with so many inspiring individuals.  And I am grateful for because it has given me a new way to practice meditation.  I am grateful for all of you who read my blog.  And for those of you that take the time to comment on it.

For all of you who have crossed my path and to all of you who I will cross paths with in the future....Thank you Thank you Thank you.

Sending you much Love and Many Blessings,


1 comment:

  1. I saw Lesa's recommendation about as well and did a couple posts but soon dropped off because I felt like blogging And 750 separate words was a lot of (ie too much) work. I love what you've said about the practice being a new way to practice meditation. Put like that, I'm totally in love with the idea and going to log back in and get cracking. Thanks, as always, for the inspiration and perspective. :)
