Tuesday, 16 July 2013

What Did You Love? And What Did You Learn?

I know that I have blogged about this before but I can't help it.  I am going to write about it yet again.

In May my Husband and I were super blessed to be in the audience of John C. Maxwell.  He spoke about many things and if you have read my blog more than twice you will realize that I am a huge fan of his.  I love what he has to say on many topics.  One thing that he said that I often reflect on is:
What did you Love? And what did you learn?

He asks this question of his children and grandchildren after they have spent a day together.  I found that this has really stuck with me.  I like to reflect on my day and ask myself those questions.
What did I Love?
What did I learn?
How will I apply the lessons?

I have started keeping a word document that I can keep all of these lessons in.  So that I can look back and reflect on such things.  It also gives me a good sense of whether or not I made good use of my day.  Am I grasping the lessons that are laid out before me?  Did I take the steps to make a difference in not only my life and that of my family but the lives of others?

Each day I strive to make an impact.  Each day I hope that the ripple grows wider and reaches more people. That is my goal each morning when I wake up.  To actively make use of my talents, skills and blessings.  To live my purpose or at least journey closer to further defining my purpose.  And I have noticed that since I have been getting intentional about doing this.  And (more) consistent about doing this.  It is paying off.

What is it that you do in the morning?  What are your first thoughts before your eyes even begin to open? Are they ones of love and kindness?  Are you thinking about your day and how you can grow and help others to grow?  Or are you smashing down on the snooze button, pulling your blanket over your head and burying your face in the pillow for another nine minutes of rest? Do you welcome the potential of the day?  Or drag your feet unwillingly into the morning?

I am blessed with being a morning person.  One of those incredibly energetic and enthusiastic (aka annoying) people.  Watching me in the morning is like watching a puppy greet you with enthusiasm after you have been gone all day or even just five minutes.  I love my mornings.  My husband on the other hand, is a snooze slapper.  He would hit snooze for hours if he could.  And I actually feel bad for him when he does crawl out of bed because I am there bursting with energy.  It must be like how Beastly and Dark Heart feel when they are trapped in the rainbow of the care bear stare.  LOL.

As you go about your day look for the lessons.  In all that you do ask yourself...what did I love about this experience?  And what did I learn?  How will you apply those lessons to your life?  Some of the answers may not seem like they are life changers but it all adds up.

I wish you a day as Beautiful as you.

Much Love,


Lead Life Joyfully


  1. How awesome to meet another John Maxwell fan through the blog challenge! I am also an admirer after going through a workshop at our church based on his book "Develop the Leader Within." It was a fabulous experience.

    I can so relate to you and your husband. I am up, showered, dressed, took the dogs out for their morning business, fed the cats and the birds and have coffee brewing before he even rolls out of bed! Not quite sure that there is a lesson there - except maybe to give him time to wake up before I start chattering at him - lol!

    Loved this post. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Melodieann - I have listened to some of the "Develop the Leader Within" workshop. I enjoy all of his stuff. I first found out who he was at a CFALeadercast. And since then, I travel to see him whenever I get a chance. My business library consists mostly of his stuff. LOL. Have a beautiful day. And thank you again for your comments!
