Lately I have been dealing with petty drama with my football team. Most of which being sparked by me and my desire to equate having fun with getting the ball rather than enjoying a beautiful evening surrounded by remarkable women. I get the message. In fact I think that I just GOT that message.
Before I get too far into my blog I would like those of you reading this to think of people who are facing a journey up a hill much steeper than yours. Send them love and light. In this moment I am holding a woman I never met in my thoughts. She was just given the message that she has stage four cancer and six months to live. The enormity of that message is washing over her friends and family like a tsunami. My wish for them is first for a miracle and that they may find peace, love and comfort in all of this in their own ways.

Another friend recently lost her job, and then had more news that is making her feel like someone is pulling the rug out from beneath her feet. My wish for her is that she finds her footing and grows through this time rather than just going through it.
When I wake up early in the morning I am able to watch the sun rise through my kitchen window as I sit before my computer. This in itself is a blessing. I am able to enjoy the quiet and serenity that exists before the rest of the house wakes up.
On mornings like this I am able to quickly get my 750 words of writing out of the way and then spend some time in meditation. When I am meditating I often ask for a message. These messages are always pertinent to what is happening in my life at that moment. Sometimes I share that message in a blog. Today I one of those days.
Some days we need to let things go. Letting go of past hurts will make room for good things to come into our lives. We often tell ourselves that we can't forgive them because the person did something so egregious that it does not deserve forgiveness. So we carry this hurt, anger, shame, blame and resentment around with us. And it weighs on us. It burdens our heart and our soul. If we carry it long enough it poisons our thoughts. We stay in the mindset of a victim. We make all of our choices from there. We begin to not trust others. We no longer give of ourselves and our love freely for we could get hurt again. We become prisoners. We blame others for all of the unhappiness and ugliness that surround us.

Perhaps reading this you are thinking of areas in your life where you could forgive others and even yourself. I would love if you would do just that. You are worthy of greatness. You are lovable, loving and loved. You deserve it.
Wishing you a day as Beautiful as you,
Much Love,
I find the difference between knowing and doing so fascinating. I KNOW that forgiveness is essential, not just for the person I choose to forgive but for myself and yet there are times when it might take me weeks before I'm fully able to drop hurt feelings, even if the original act wasn't that egregious. Other times, truly hurtful stuff is something I simply choose not to perceive in that manner and I'm immediately free. My ego seems to do a lot of the dictating of which column a situation fits into. So my quest for forgiveness (of others and myself) starts with setting aside my ego. This comment started to get Much longer and I just realized that since I haven't written my post yet today, I'm going to take the rest of my Kieta babble over there, but thanks for this post. I wasn't sure what I wanted to write about today and truly, there are few things as freeing as forgiveness. I'm in. :)