Perfection is a platform for failure - Lisa Friedt
Sometimes I struggle with being a life coach. I love what it is that I do. In fact it never feels like work at all. It feels like an incredible blessing. Each and Every Day. Not many people have the luxury of saying that.
You are probably wondering where the heck the struggle comes in...well people have an expectation for my life to be "perfect". That if I am a successful coach I would have figured out and fixed any area of my life that is not fully functioning. Well truth be life is not perfect. I would never want it to be. I want it to be a mix of ups and downs. With more ups than downs of course. If my life never faced challenges what would motivate me to reach higher heights? To dream bigger dreams? To strive for bigger and better?
I think that what makes me the coach that I am is my willingness to share my imperfections. To talk about my failures and to allow others to use those failures as a springboard to success. I am a work in progress as is everyone else. I have good days and bad. I don't always see things through rose colored glass. But I keep working at it. Every day.
Do you share stories of your struggles? Or of your success? Or both? What motivates you to do so? When I share a story it is not to make me look good. It is so that others may learn from it. Whether it is to inspire them or to paint a picture of what not to do.
There are areas in my life that I see as growth opportunities. And when I do inner work in those areas it is definitely uncomfortable. Each moment is a tug a war between fear and faith. My ego fears the change. It tells me that the growth is unnecessary. That things are fine just the way they are. That there are risks to changing. My faith tells me that we are here to grow and evolve and help others along the way. If we question whether or not we have grown enough...the answer is quite simple...if you are around to ask the are not finished growing yet. We are here for a reason, a purpose and only when we have fulfilled that purpose do we move on. Whether that be heaven or another live time or someplace else depending upon your beliefs.
Life is meant to have its challenges. That helps you to develop an attitude of gratitude. Two steps forward, one step back is still progress. Tony Robbins says "Progress equals Happiness." If we are not growing we are not living - we are in fact dying. One day I was listening to John C. Maxwell speak and he many people are already dead they just haven't realized it yet. I think that people allow the quest for perfection to be the perfect excuse to not even start. Oh, well I'll never be perfect so why even bother. One of my favorite Zig Ziglar quotes is "You don't have be great to start, but you do have to start to get great."
Today, as you go about your day, look for areas that you are unwilling to develop within yourself. Spend time asking why you are resisting. Release that resistance. Drown out the ego. And take small steps to grow in that area. I believe you will find great reward in doing so. Today I will do the same. And together we will celebrate. Strive for excellence over perfection.
I wish you a day as beautiful as you are.
Much Love,
I actually asked for help today! And got it without judgement and some positive debrief for next time. It ended up being a great day. Thanks for the positive post!