Tuesday 25 June 2013

It Is What It Is

Have you ever said goodbye knowing that it was for the last time?  Not the Goodbye like you are breaking up with someone, or quitting your job.  I am talking about giving someone a hug and knowing...somewhere in your soul that it was the last time you would hug them.  Looking into their eyes and knowing that the next time you are with their soul again would be in much different plane and place than this.

I had that experience May 9th, 2013.  It was 9:33am and I was parked on Sparrow drive and I was wishing my Great Aunt Donna safe travels and to enjoy her journey.  A voice in my heart told me to remind her that I cherished my time with her and that I loved her.  Luckily, I listened to that voice and I did just that.  That was indeed that last time I was able to hug her and say goodbye.  Shortly after 3pm today she peacefully slipped away from us.

Now let me tell you about my Great Aunt Donna.  She was a woman you knew was in the room.  She may have had a slight and slender frame partnered with a quiet voice but you couldn't miss her.  She never missed a beat.  She knew everything that was going on around her and she was giving a feisty running commentary.  She could say the most astonishing things. She could cut right through the bullshit and hit the nail on the head in seconds.  Even when she was quiet you knew she was paying attention and preparing another zinger because her twinkling eyes gave it away.

Great Aunt Donna had far more to her than sharp witted humor.  She was a well respected psych nurse.  Taught herself how to play the stock market from reading the paper and watching the stocks.  From there she went into real estate investing.  She valued and loved her time with family. I don't know about you but I am always impressed with people who believe in continuous learning, who don't use fear as an excuse to stop them from trying something new and who chase their dreams.

This post could go on for pages.  But for now I will keep this simple.  Great Aunt Donna, you lived up to the word Great.  You have left a living legacy that will never ever be forgotten.  We will love forever and remember you fondly.  Thank you for being you.  For never changing because someone else thought maybe you should.  You were an inspiration to many and we will do our very best to live the lessons that you taught us in your lifetime.  Whenever I am dwelling on something troubling me I will hear your voice echo in my ears..."It is what it is."

May you rest peacefully reunited with those who have passed before you.

Forever in our thoughts and hearts.

Much Love,


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