Tuesday, 12 February 2013

This Touched My Life

Today I went for lunch with a good girlfriend of mine.  We had decided that it would be fun to choose a different restaurant on 124 street each week.  This week we chose The Bothy Wine and Whiskey Bar.

The funny thing is...The Universe always has its own agenda.  The Bothy was closed.  So we went to the Glenora Bistro.  We sat down, perused the menu and thought...uhm...where is the wine menu.....we quickly left.  We ended up next door at the Cafe DeVille.  It was a little awkward as everyone turned and looked at my pink hair.  I could feel them judging me...and I wanted to scream....It is pink for charity.  I am doing this to support the Stollery, Ronald MacDonald House and the Make A Wish Foundation.  My discomfort grew as I sat there.  I couldn't really figure out why it was that we were there.  And then....something magical happened.  A man walked in with a woman on his arm.  She was shuffling her feet and wearing a toque and mittens despite the warm weather.  The mittens were pink for breast cancer.  The toque covered a bald chemo head.  That is when it hit me...I needed to hug this woman.  I needed to tell her that she was the definition of strength, courage and beauty.  When I approached their table, my heart was pounding.  Thankfully they were receptive.  She welcomed my hug.  And we shared some tears.  And her Dad cried too.  As my friend and I were leaving we felt that it would be awesome to pay their bill.  That $45 bought more than just their lunch...it taught me a lesson that will forever be with me...


From this day forward I will embrace this and I will remember that the Universe brings us exactly who we need.  We just need to reach out and embrace that fact.

Today...step outside of your comfort zone. Live life fully and joyfully!

Much Love Always,

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