Thursday, 7 February 2013

Might As Well Start Somewhere

Welcome to my blog.  Over the past three years I have started a few different ones.  None of which I managed to follow through with.  This different.  This blog tell the story of my journey.  Throughout this blog I will share with you how I committed to living my purpose!  How I learned to cash in on my passion.  How I stepped out of my own way...and turned my dream into a reality.

Allow me to tell you a little bit about myself.  I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister and a friend.  And since July 23rd, 2012 I have also grown to include the titles of Elite Life Coach and Reiki Master Practitioner to my repertoire.  Below you will find a post from when I first stepped outside my comfort zone and made that leap.....

Two weeks ago I started a journey...I was fed up of being tired, angry, distant and annoyed all of the time.  I disliked the fact that my work/life balance was way out of whack.  I was disconnected.  Disjointed and missing out on all of the beauty that is around me.  I have always counseled my friends to look on the brightside.  To see the silver lining and to live for the sheer joy of it.  I was stuck.  Feeling picked on at work, over-extended and burnt out.  One Saturday I woke up and found my Grandmother's rock.  This rock was given to me by a woman that defined love.  Love lived all around her.  Her house was saturated with it.  Her smile, hug, touch and eyes radiated it.  Her every pore spoke the truth of love.  I miss her dearly.  One day when I was feeling sad she pressed a little black rock into my hand.  She told me, when you are feeling unsettled just rub this rock.  It will ground you.  Bring you back to where you are...and that is a place where you are loved.  Love is all around you.  It lives in you.  She told me when she was ever frustrated with my Grandfather she rubbed that rock. I admired the fact that it was small and smooth.  She quickly told me that the rock first started their 60+ years of marriage the size of a cinder block.  My Grandmother taught me that it is important to love as well as to laugh at one's self.

Finding this rock reminded me that life is about more than just work.  More than the crap you are dealing with this very moment.  It is about beauty, strength, laughter and joy.  This is what we are created for.  And I vowed from this moment that I would pursue happiness.  I would seek my life's purpose - to live joyfully.  And from that moment on I have been doing just that.  This blog is designed to outline that.  Each week I will chronicle my journey and add some inspirational quotes.

Please join me and share your inspiration, thoughts and feelings along the way.

Much Love Always,


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