Friday, 15 February 2013

A Pillar Of Strength

About four weeks ago I learned that my cousin was in the hospital.  We were told she may lose her right leg due to blood clots blocking the arteries.  Twice she had surgery to remove the offending clots. The pain was nearly unbearable.  It was out of control and off the charts.  And still she was able to handle it with grace.  When asked if she wanted the leg amputated to ease the pain....she chose to keep the leg.  Each and every time I visited she spoke of every positive thing that this experience brought into her life.  Her Daughters were able to get to know their Aunt, Uncle and Cousins better.  She was able to relate to her parents even better than she already did.  She spent quality time with her brother and sister.  She spent time connecting with myself and my brother.  She got in touch with herself.  Her true self.  She opened her mind and her heart to all that surrounded her.  And she did so with Grace and with Gratitude.  She was thankful for each and everything that anyone did to show their support.

I ask you this...if faced with that same circumstance...would you be able or even willing to do the same?

We can choose how we think.  We have power over our thoughts.  And thoughts are more powerful than we ever give them credit for. If you maintain an attitude of gratitude you can change your entire life.

When your eyes first open in the morning be thankful you lived to see another day. Be thankful for the roof over your head.  Get excited about all the wonder that the day may hold.  As you integrate this into your routine you will feel more energetic and enthusiastic and your life will change for the better.  And if you feel that you have too many things going on in your life and there is nothing good going on...remember people face difficult choices everyday and they are still able to be grateful.  The only difference between them and you is that they choose not to be a victim of circumstance.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass.  It is about learning to dance in the rain. - Anonymous

Until next time...Think Good Thoughts and Do Great Things.

Live Fully and Joyfully,
Much Love,

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