Saturday, 9 February 2013

Do You Settle?

Have you ever found that people around you are settling for "okay"? Perhaps you, yourself is the one that is settling. I will ask someone how are they doing today and they reply...I'm okay.  How many days in a row of "okay" can go by until you decide that you need to change something?  Or perhaps for you...okay is an equivalent for good.

I can tell you one thing for certain...I do not settle for okay.  I am on this planet at this very moment for a reason.  And while I am here I am going to be joyful, passionate, energetic and ALIVE!  I made a promise to myself that I was not going to settle for long with being "Okay".  "Okay" to me is not the equivalent of good.  In fact it is on the negative side of the spectrum.

I have a friend that hates their job.  I mean hates it.  Each and every day of the week is spent with them complaining about lack of training, lack of time, lack of support, and lack of interest in the position.  Even this persons weekend is tainted by them hating their job because on Sunday they are already dreading returning to work.  Answer me this person living their best life? Are they living to their full potential? Every time I am around them I feel my energy level dial back a notch or two.  Some would say that is a good thing as I am pretty annoyingly positive most of the time. I ask my friend "what would you love to do with your life if you had a magic wand?".  I get the same response...I dunno. I remind them of a part of their job they were doing that used to bring fire and excitement to their eyes.  Why can't you find a job that the entire position is designed around those tasks.  "They don't exist".  Oh - Did you look? "No, there just wouldn't be a job like that out there."

Now here is what sets people apart.  I have two options if this were me. Option A: Do Nothing.  Sit, mope, complain, try and make everyone around me as miserable as I am.
Option B:  Get fired up and excited.  If such a position does not exist but companies still require these services...then I can start my own business.  Fill that gap.  Do what I love, and do it well.

Which of these options seem to be the better of the two?

I realize that I am outlining a large change in the above scenario, and not everyone is ready for something like that.  You are however, all perfectly capable of doing something like that.

What if you started small...
Could you offer your services on a volunteer basis even just one day a month?  Could you find a hobby?  Find a way to bring more joy and passion into your life?

Use your feelings as a barometer for how you are doing.  Do not settle for "Okay".  If you have been simply feeling "okay" for too many days...change it up.  Look for small changes you can make to bring the fire back into your life. Your lifework assignment for this week is to come up with three small changes you can make when you get stuck in a rut.  Let me know how it goes.

And remember...being great and feeling great isn't just for the elite is for you.  It is our birthright.  Each and everyone of us.  So get out there and live life fully and joyfully,

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