Thursday, 28 February 2013
Don't Let "Competition" Stop You
Recently I have been really wondering about whether or not I should make that leap and write a book. Everyone and their dog seems to be an author these days. Dogs are actually writing books...I kid you not.
A Dog's Life - Peter Mayle
The Art of Racing in the Rain - Garth Stein
A Dog's Purpose - W. Bruce Cameron
A Big Little Life - Trixie Koontz (Dog of Dean Koontz)
Enough about Dog Authors - You get the picture.
There are hundreds of millions of books written in the world. Books have been written ever since we figured out how to put pen to paper or perhaps more accurately...chisel to stone.
Just because someone else has done it before you does not mean that you cannot do it. There are books upon books have been written on the same topics even and yet people continue to write. Last night a friend asked me...Do you ever lose faith in your coaching because so many other people are doing it? My response to her was this...I have no competitors. Only fellow aspirants. We think of competition in a negative connotation. We think that there is a limited amount of something and others may somehow rob us of what we are striving for. When we adjust our mindset and look at them as fellow aspirants we are not coming from a negative place. We are rising to challenge and bringing our best self with us. We are showcasing our talents.
Think of it this way...we all choose a book for different reasons. Some people like a flashy cover. Some like hardcovers whereas others prefer paperback. Some like a large print - others small. I prefer to hold an actual book in my hand vs. an ebook reader. Regardless we have probably all read books written on similar topics by different authors. Each one of those authors brings their very own special touch to the topic.
The same goes for us. We are each unique individuals blessed with a certain gift that only we possess. Our entire purpose for being on this planet is to let that gift show up in every situation we encounter. I will write my book knowing that the message I share will touch the people it is intended to touch and that message will resonate within them. The only bad thing that can happen from me writing the book is that I don't risk writing it at all.
I urge you to take a chance. Believe in yourself. Ignore the voice of fear and do something that you know that you really want to do. You are not alone. You have all the strength, wisdom and power within yourself to reach greater heights than you have even imagined.
I wish you well on your journey.
Much love and many blessings,
Friday, 15 February 2013
A Pillar Of Strength
About four weeks ago I learned that my cousin was in the hospital. We were told she may lose her right leg due to blood clots blocking the arteries. Twice she had surgery to remove the offending clots. The pain was nearly unbearable. It was out of control and off the charts. And still she was able to handle it with grace. When asked if she wanted the leg amputated to ease the pain....she chose to keep the leg. Each and every time I visited she spoke of every positive thing that this experience brought into her life. Her Daughters were able to get to know their Aunt, Uncle and Cousins better. She was able to relate to her parents even better than she already did. She spent quality time with her brother and sister. She spent time connecting with myself and my brother. She got in touch with herself. Her true self. She opened her mind and her heart to all that surrounded her. And she did so with Grace and with Gratitude. She was thankful for each and everything that anyone did to show their support.
I ask you this...if faced with that same circumstance...would you be able or even willing to do the same?
We can choose how we think. We have power over our thoughts. And thoughts are more powerful than we ever give them credit for. If you maintain an attitude of gratitude you can change your entire life.
When your eyes first open in the morning be thankful you lived to see another day. Be thankful for the roof over your head. Get excited about all the wonder that the day may hold. As you integrate this into your routine you will feel more energetic and enthusiastic and your life will change for the better. And if you feel that you have too many things going on in your life and there is nothing good going on...remember people face difficult choices everyday and they are still able to be grateful. The only difference between them and you is that they choose not to be a victim of circumstance.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It is about learning to dance in the rain. - Anonymous
Until next time...Think Good Thoughts and Do Great Things.
Live Fully and Joyfully,
Much Love,
I ask you this...if faced with that same circumstance...would you be able or even willing to do the same?
We can choose how we think. We have power over our thoughts. And thoughts are more powerful than we ever give them credit for. If you maintain an attitude of gratitude you can change your entire life.
When your eyes first open in the morning be thankful you lived to see another day. Be thankful for the roof over your head. Get excited about all the wonder that the day may hold. As you integrate this into your routine you will feel more energetic and enthusiastic and your life will change for the better. And if you feel that you have too many things going on in your life and there is nothing good going on...remember people face difficult choices everyday and they are still able to be grateful. The only difference between them and you is that they choose not to be a victim of circumstance.
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It is about learning to dance in the rain. - Anonymous
Until next time...Think Good Thoughts and Do Great Things.
Live Fully and Joyfully,
Much Love,
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
This Touched My Life
Today I went for lunch with a good girlfriend of mine. We had decided that it would be fun to choose a different restaurant on 124 street each week. This week we chose The Bothy Wine and Whiskey Bar.
The funny thing is...The Universe always has its own agenda. The Bothy was closed. So we went to the Glenora Bistro. We sat down, perused the menu and thought...uhm...where is the wine menu.....we quickly left. We ended up next door at the Cafe DeVille. It was a little awkward as everyone turned and looked at my pink hair. I could feel them judging me...and I wanted to scream....It is pink for charity. I am doing this to support the Stollery, Ronald MacDonald House and the Make A Wish Foundation. My discomfort grew as I sat there. I couldn't really figure out why it was that we were there. And then....something magical happened. A man walked in with a woman on his arm. She was shuffling her feet and wearing a toque and mittens despite the warm weather. The mittens were pink for breast cancer. The toque covered a bald chemo head. That is when it hit me...I needed to hug this woman. I needed to tell her that she was the definition of strength, courage and beauty. When I approached their table, my heart was pounding. Thankfully they were receptive. She welcomed my hug. And we shared some tears. And her Dad cried too. As my friend and I were leaving we felt that it would be awesome to pay their bill. That $45 bought more than just their taught me a lesson that will forever be with me...
From this day forward I will embrace this and I will remember that the Universe brings us exactly who we need. We just need to reach out and embrace that fact.
Today...step outside of your comfort zone. Live life fully and joyfully!
Much Love Always,
The funny thing is...The Universe always has its own agenda. The Bothy was closed. So we went to the Glenora Bistro. We sat down, perused the menu and thought...uhm...where is the wine menu.....we quickly left. We ended up next door at the Cafe DeVille. It was a little awkward as everyone turned and looked at my pink hair. I could feel them judging me...and I wanted to scream....It is pink for charity. I am doing this to support the Stollery, Ronald MacDonald House and the Make A Wish Foundation. My discomfort grew as I sat there. I couldn't really figure out why it was that we were there. And then....something magical happened. A man walked in with a woman on his arm. She was shuffling her feet and wearing a toque and mittens despite the warm weather. The mittens were pink for breast cancer. The toque covered a bald chemo head. That is when it hit me...I needed to hug this woman. I needed to tell her that she was the definition of strength, courage and beauty. When I approached their table, my heart was pounding. Thankfully they were receptive. She welcomed my hug. And we shared some tears. And her Dad cried too. As my friend and I were leaving we felt that it would be awesome to pay their bill. That $45 bought more than just their taught me a lesson that will forever be with me...
From this day forward I will embrace this and I will remember that the Universe brings us exactly who we need. We just need to reach out and embrace that fact.
Today...step outside of your comfort zone. Live life fully and joyfully!
Much Love Always,
Saturday, 9 February 2013
Do You Settle?
I can tell you one thing for certain...I do not settle for okay. I am on this planet at this very moment for a reason. And while I am here I am going to be joyful, passionate, energetic and ALIVE! I made a promise to myself that I was not going to settle for long with being "Okay". "Okay" to me is not the equivalent of good. In fact it is on the negative side of the spectrum.
I have a friend that hates their job. I mean hates it. Each and every day of the week is spent with them complaining about lack of training, lack of time, lack of support, and lack of interest in the position. Even this persons weekend is tainted by them hating their job because on Sunday they are already dreading returning to work. Answer me this person living their best life? Are they living to their full potential? Every time I am around them I feel my energy level dial back a notch or two. Some would say that is a good thing as I am pretty annoyingly positive most of the time. I ask my friend "what would you love to do with your life if you had a magic wand?". I get the same response...I dunno. I remind them of a part of their job they were doing that used to bring fire and excitement to their eyes. Why can't you find a job that the entire position is designed around those tasks. "They don't exist". Oh - Did you look? "No, there just wouldn't be a job like that out there."
Now here is what sets people apart. I have two options if this were me. Option A: Do Nothing. Sit, mope, complain, try and make everyone around me as miserable as I am.
Option B: Get fired up and excited. If such a position does not exist but companies still require these services...then I can start my own business. Fill that gap. Do what I love, and do it well.
Which of these options seem to be the better of the two?
I realize that I am outlining a large change in the above scenario, and not everyone is ready for something like that. You are however, all perfectly capable of doing something like that.
What if you started small...
Could you offer your services on a volunteer basis even just one day a month? Could you find a hobby? Find a way to bring more joy and passion into your life?
Use your feelings as a barometer for how you are doing. Do not settle for "Okay". If you have been simply feeling "okay" for too many days...change it up. Look for small changes you can make to bring the fire back into your life. Your lifework assignment for this week is to come up with three small changes you can make when you get stuck in a rut. Let me know how it goes.
Friday, 8 February 2013
You Are Valued and You Bring Value!
"Do not undervalue who you are and what you know EVER." - Brendon Burchard
So many times in life we will get fired up about something and the instant we are challenged on it we crumple. We just let go of that idea and that energy. We don't even need to be challenged by someone - often we are our very own built in dream slayer. We need to stop doing this. We need to treat ourselves with loving kindness. We need to support each other.
Today I urge you to stand up tall, lead from your heart and embrace your inner dreamer. Know - truly know that you are living this life for a reason...for a are valued and you bring value wherever you go.
Have a Beautiful and Safe Weekend! Dare to do something different.
Much Love,
So many times in life we will get fired up about something and the instant we are challenged on it we crumple. We just let go of that idea and that energy. We don't even need to be challenged by someone - often we are our very own built in dream slayer. We need to stop doing this. We need to treat ourselves with loving kindness. We need to support each other.
Today I urge you to stand up tall, lead from your heart and embrace your inner dreamer. Know - truly know that you are living this life for a reason...for a are valued and you bring value wherever you go.
Have a Beautiful and Safe Weekend! Dare to do something different.
Much Love,
Thursday, 7 February 2013
Might As Well Start Somewhere
Welcome to my blog. Over the past three years I have started a few different ones. None of which I managed to follow through with. This different. This blog tell the story of my journey. Throughout this blog I will share with you how I committed to living my purpose! How I learned to cash in on my passion. How I stepped out of my own way...and turned my dream into a reality.
Allow me to tell you a little bit about myself. I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister and a friend. And since July 23rd, 2012 I have also grown to include the titles of Elite Life Coach and Reiki Master Practitioner to my repertoire. Below you will find a post from when I first stepped outside my comfort zone and made that leap.....
Two weeks ago I started a journey...I was fed up of being tired, angry, distant and annoyed all of the time. I disliked the fact that my work/life balance was way out of whack. I was disconnected. Disjointed and missing out on all of the beauty that is around me. I have always counseled my friends to look on the brightside. To see the silver lining and to live for the sheer joy of it. I was stuck. Feeling picked on at work, over-extended and burnt out. One Saturday I woke up and found my Grandmother's rock. This rock was given to me by a woman that defined love. Love lived all around her. Her house was saturated with it. Her smile, hug, touch and eyes radiated it. Her every pore spoke the truth of love. I miss her dearly. One day when I was feeling sad she pressed a little black rock into my hand. She told me, when you are feeling unsettled just rub this rock. It will ground you. Bring you back to where you are...and that is a place where you are loved. Love is all around you. It lives in you. She told me when she was ever frustrated with my Grandfather she rubbed that rock. I admired the fact that it was small and smooth. She quickly told me that the rock first started their 60+ years of marriage the size of a cinder block. My Grandmother taught me that it is important to love as well as to laugh at one's self.
Finding this rock reminded me that life is about more than just work. More than the crap you are dealing with this very moment. It is about beauty, strength, laughter and joy. This is what we are created for. And I vowed from this moment that I would pursue happiness. I would seek my life's purpose - to live joyfully. And from that moment on I have been doing just that. This blog is designed to outline that. Each week I will chronicle my journey and add some inspirational quotes.
Please join me and share your inspiration, thoughts and feelings along the way.
Much Love Always,
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