Wednesday, 4 September 2013

One of Those Days

This morning I woke up in the middle of a crazy dream.  Some how I went from being in line to watch live theater to being in a women's penitentiary (as a visitor).  Weird.

I am one of those people who prides herself on being organized - time wise.  I can even organize people....just not my husband.

This morning when I crawled out of bed I looked over and noticed that the alarm clock said 8:32 am.  And this is gave me a bit of a start because I don't often sleep that late and I had an 8:30am video conference call.  I quickly realized that it was my husband's alarm clock so I had 30 minutes of grace time.  Because he sets his clock 30 minutes fast.  I jumped in the shower.  Made myself presentable, logged in to my computer and the call was already started.  I checked my are 6 minutes early.  And then I tried to interact and realized...the call was yesterday.

My immediate reaction was annoyance with a side of outrage.  How could they change the date of the call without me knowing?  Why didn't the notification go to the correct email address like I requested?  Gah.  And a split second later I was able to answer those questions.  I didn't know about the date change because I didn't read the email.  I just assumed that it would be the same as last week.  And why didn't they change which account it went to?  Well they probably have their reasons.  Just like I had the responsibility that I needed to follow up with her to make sure she understood the request.  This leaves me with what I want to take away from my morning and what do I want to do with the rest of my day.

Let me tell you that it would be easy to spend the day in the victim mentality.  Unwilling to take responsibility for missing the call.  To turn the tv on and crawl back into bed.  To grumble and pout and post a status on facebook about how my day is shitty and nothing is going my way.  Or I could shift gears.  I could laugh it off.  Use it as a call to action to  contact the conference call leader and ask her to make the email address change.  I can listen to the call that I missed and glean what I can from it.  Prepare for the next one.

I chose the latter.  I helped my husband get Delly ready for day care. Helped him carry things to his car.  Kissed him goodbye and wished him a good day without being distracted by a conference call.  I had my breakfast.  Enjoyed a cup of coffee.  And now I am writing this blog post.  All of which wouldn't have happened if I were being the victim.

So today is one of those days.  The kind that doesn't start the way you would like it to.  That means that it has the opportunity to be something even better.  If you are open to it.  If you want it to be.  Or it can be shitty.  And you can complain to everyone around you about it. THE CHOICE IS YOURS!

Choose to have a day as Beautiful as you!

Much Love,


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