Tis the season to put the work in. I am not sure about you but September always signifies time to put the work in. I always want to reset and refocus. September is the start of the harvest. For me this means that we are able to count our blessings. We are easily reminded of the abundance that surrounds us. Especially as we enjoy bountiful vegetables and fruits from our gardens. I am driven to eat foods that nourish and heal my body, mind and soul. I am wanting to try and undo the months of poor eating, booze guzzling and lounging in the sun. And, I am racing to put the work in now so that I can have some momentum built up before the snow flies.

This morning I was enjoying listening to squirrels chatter to one another while I was trying to sleep in a tent. I kept hearing sounds of things dropping onto the tarp strung across the top of our tent. When I crawled out of my tent I was surprised to see it littered with spruce cones. When I returned from my shower I was able to witness the cause first hand. Thanks to a powerful zoom lens on my camera, I am able to show you evidence of the perpetrator caught red handed.
This is proof that it is perfect time for us to put the work in. To stop putting things off. To give ourselves the best of ourselves each and every day. To find the perfect balance between honoring the past, preparing for the future and living in the now.

So let September be a clean start for you. Start collecting the spruce cones to get you through the winter. Or collecting root vegetables to create a medley that will nourish you. Or attend Church if you have always wanted to. Or get your ass to the gym if you have been putting off. Laugh with the ones you love more. Read a book, get a hair cut, learn a new sport, pick up a hobby. Take a nap. Do something for you. And then come back here and brag about it!
And if you have ever wanted to try life coaching...the time is now. Starting September 15th I am opening spots for 8 weeks of coaching sessions at the price of "PAY WHAT YOU CAN". This doesn't happen often. So if you have told yourself that you aren't worth the $150/hr investment in yourself...now you can cross that excuse off your list.
If you would like to find out more about this offer please:
Visit My Webpage and Contact Me
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Whatever you choose to do...Put the work in. The Time Is Now.
Much Love,
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