Sometimes it is so easy to get sucked into someone else's drama. Where you want to fulfill the role of judge and jury. To take a side and a stance based on how the topic affects you emotionally. With my clients I am able to stay impartial. I can see things from the outside looking in. No inclination to help fight the battle for them. My role is just to help them see what the options are and remind them what they told me was truly important to them. When it comes to my friends or family it triggers an entirely different part of me. I want to fiercely protect them from any pain or negativity. I am not certain why I think this becomes my job. No one has hired me for that position. I never ran for office, never won the election. But still there I will be with my armor on ready for battle. Do you ever find yourself reacting the same way? Some days it is a real struggle to step back and just be the support team that helps out afterwards.
When it comes to battles of my own I am less inclined to put the armor on. I tend to ask myself...Did I act out of kindness? Did it come from a place of love? Did I feel I was doing my very best at the time? Can I learn something from this? Okay, then I do not need to defend myself. If I did my best, where is the need to structure a defense and do battle? Some days are easier than others. Sometimes I need to reach out to my loved ones to remind me of this. Sometimes I remember this all on my own. It is a journey and we are all a work in progress. React to what life brings you in kindness. "Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." - Dalai Lama.
When I need a reminder that I am part of something bigger, I always think of the feeling when I am scuba diving. I don't know how many of you are divers but, if you are not, I urge you to try it. There is no other feeling like it in the world - at least not that I have ever experienced. First you always feel the rush of adrenaline and excitement. I am going to do this...I get to do this...oh yes I do...bring it. Your heart beats fast as you lean back off the boat and surrender to gravity. The feeling of trying to right yourself in the waves after the initial plunge into the ocean. Trying to get your bearings. Remembering to trust in the process as you bob to the surface and you find your circle. The feeling of so much happening at once as you get ready to descend. The confirmation that all is well and life is amazing once you have descended just a few inches under the surface. Life slows down. You become an observer. Worries of the everyday float away. And you connect with something larger than yourself. You see, sometimes you think that you are the center of the Universe and then once you slip into the ocean, you realize a lot goes on without you.
I always experience an immense feeling of gratitude when diving. I am grateful for being able to take a time out from the everyday and go on vacation with those I love. I am grateful for the life I have been given. I am grateful for all the beauty that surrounds me and is a part of me. I am grateful for the complexity and simplicity that the Universe has to offer. I am grateful for...well everything. There are times when I need to remind myself to slow down and just take it all in.
When you observe life underwater you are reminded that we are all on a journey, we are all going somewhere but sometimes you see more when you just slow it down a little. If you are always swimming at the front of the school you will miss the majestic grace that floats by in the form of a sea turtle.
We are all blessed to be here. Sometimes you need to look a little harder to see the blessing but guaranteed it is always there for you when you are ready to see it. If life seems to be moving too fast remember you don't need to be at the front of the school. You can observe for awhile. If it seems to be too much for you, let the energy, enthusiasm, and kindness of others help move you along. Lean on others around you. If you are feeling like you have more to give, reach out and help someone else come along with you. Our own journeys are enhanced by the journey of others. We are all connected. We are all part of something bigger than ourselves. Embrace that knowledge.
When I am ascending from a dive I always feel rejuvenated, inspired, hopeful and connected. There is comfort knowing you are not alone. We are never truly alone. The weight of the world does not rest solely on your shoulders.
I wish you all the blessings in the world. I hope you have something that reminds you of being connected like diving does for me. Know that someone will always be there for you if you need to reach out. I am here if you need me. You can find me at www.DreamItAchieveIt.ca or www.facebook.com/catalystcoachingandconsulting . I'd love to hear from you.
Until then, have a day as Beautiful as you are. Lead Life Joyfully.
Much Love,
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