I used to watch the news. I even read the paper that was delivered every day. One day I found I just wasn't that interested in watching the blood and gore of the day while I tried to eat my dinner. Some days my cooking is dim enough. I didn't like the feeling of helplessness and hopelessness that the terror and tragedy of the day brought me. I tried to think of how often there was a warm, uplifting story that graced the headlines. Not very. When I thought about what watching the news served me I was hard pressed to come up with an answer. Oh sure, it gave me something to talk to my husband about. A topic for us to debate. But let's face it, Chris and I can debate anything if we want to. I don't need a daily dose of news to give me something to talk about. And he watches it and reads it enough for the both of us.
The other day I was talking to some of my friends (trust me - you are not the only one I harass about reading the news) about their obsession with watching the news. One said it was so they were current with tragedies of the world - natural disasters and so on. So they could suffer with the people affected in spirit. Pardon me...WTF? Watch an uplifting story - Rejoice with those people. Send the positive energy out into the world. Not the energy of suffering - enough of that exists already. Thoughts of love, faith and hope will do more for people than that of commiserating. Look around you, people everywhere want to share their story of suffering. You don't need a television to see that. And you are close enough to help combat that suffering with kindness.
One friend said "But Lisa, what if the world was ending? Wouldn't you want to know?" Uhmm, I think I would figure it out. LOL. I am not trying to be offensive. I am just simply stating what is my not so humble opinion. I don't need the news to tell me that bad things happen every day. I have my life to show that good things can happen every day. That matters to me most.
If you are finding that your outlook on life is dim, doom and gloom...pay attention to what you are feeding your mind. Limit the negative influences. Think happier thoughts, read and watch things with a positive message. Talk to positive people. See the glass half full. Or better yet, overflowing. Try it for a week and see if it makes a difference. For me it was a life changer.
I will step off my soap box for now.
Have a day just as Beautiful as You,
Much Love,
*Lead Life Joyfully*
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