Thursday, 27 June 2013

Congrats! You Have Graduated...Now What?

This blog post is for a beautiful, talented, amazing woman that I know...Tasana Diane Carol Clarke.  You have done it.  You graduated. No more classes, no more books, no more teachers dirty looks....or however, that rhyme goes.  I am so proud of you.

I remember when I first met you.  You stole my heart from that first glance.  You were a bundle of love, energy and spirit.  I remember wanting you to like me, I bribed you with crackers, cheese and pickles.  You showed affection by sharing your pickles.  You had this twinkle in your eye and an infectious giggle.  You still do.

Now lets get back to the point of this post. You have already came a long way.  Faced some challenges that I could never pretend to have faced or ever will I have to face.  You have experienced things already in your life that many wished they could.  Traveled places, won awards, acted in plays, played rugby, worked your first and second job.  You have learned a great deal in just 17 and a half short years.

I wanted to send you off into the world with some great words of wisdom, except, now that I am writing...I don't know how many wise words I may have.  All I can do is tell you some of what I have learned along the way.

First off I am sure glad that I graduated high school while I was a teenager and still knew everything.  Otherwise the world may have seemed quite daunting.  LOL.

1) Maintain a positive attitude.  Life is going to be riddled with ups and downs.  Your attitude will determine how well you get through them.

2) Do what you love.  What you LOVE!  What you are passionate about.  What sets your heart a flutter.  Find something that doesn't feel like work and do that.  Confucius said " Choose a job that you love and you will never have to work a day in your life."  Life is about more than money.  If you do what you love your life feels rich and rewarding even if you aren't living in a mansion.  Every day I wake up blessed that I get to do what I do.

3) Be kind whenever possible.  And it is always possible.  Even if you have to tell someone something that they don't want to hear - they will react better if it is coming from a place of kindness and love.  Be kind to yourself as well.  Don't fall into the trap of calling yourself stupid, idiot, fat, ugly or whatever unkind words may enter your mind.  You are the most important person you listen to.  Say loving things.  Always.  Practice saying kind things to yourself, it makes a difference.

4) Stand up for what is right - every time.  You were born strong, powerful and fearless - don't let that change now.  Every time we look away, hold our tongue or cover our ears we are committing an act just as offending as the one you are looking away from.  Inaction weighs heavily on ones conscious.

5) Forgive first - You can be right or you can be loved.  We all make mistakes.  No sense in making them any bigger by carrying a grudge.  Make amends.

6) Laugh every day! Often and out loud! Snort even in a fit of giggles.  I don't know if it makes you live any longer but it works your ab muscles and you feel younger after.

7) Hold the door for people, wave when they let you into traffic, and smile at the people you meet.

8) Never ever dumb it down.  You are smart.  God gave you a brain.  Use it.  If you feel you need to play dumb to get someone to notice you or like you better - stop!  They aren't worth it.

9)  Love yourself always.  You are bright, beautiful, loving, loved, lovable, caring, compassionate, talented, witty, funny and so much more.

10) Know that regardless of the hand life deals you - your family will always love you.  We will pick you up if ever you stumble. We will celebrate your successes.  We love you no matter what.  We will shelter you in every storm.  Never be afraid to lean on us.

Now for some practical living tips:
1) Clean your fridge the night before every garbage day and before you leave on vacation.  You did enough science in school. You do not need experiments growing in your fridge.  You will have to go in the fridge eventually.

2) Pay your bills - no power and living by candlelight is only romantic for the first two days.

3) Live with a roommate to teach you how much you want to live alone.

4) Live alone to realize you are great company. And to teach you to value the people in your life who offer to take out your garbage.

5) Don't buy dry clean only clothes because you will decide at one point that they can survive the washer and dryer once...and they won't.  Trust me....I learned the hard way.

6) Check your pockets as things go in the washing machine EVERYTIME!

7) Put $20 in your coat pocket each time you put it away for a season.  It will make your day when you find it.

8) Buy your toilet paper in bulk.  It is not fun when you run out.

9) Call your Mom, she will worry if you don't.  Visit your Auntie - She misses you.

10) Buy a wig, just in case you need a costume to play Rosie's dinner.  If you wear that wig for any other purposes don't ever tell me.  I don't want to know.  LOL.

Life is about the journey not the destination.  Your journey does not come with a road map.  Your only compass is your heart. Let your heart lead you on a joyful journey.

Tasana my girl, I want to say your life starts right now.  Forget about highschool.  Get living life.  Your life starts fresh every day when you wake up.  Make the most of it.  Readjust your sails if you have to.  And know your family loves you and is proud of you.  Live your life for you.  Not for anyone else.  We each have a chance to make what we want out of life.  Watching you chase your dreams and live your passion is what keeps us proud.  And our love is unconditional.

I wish you all the very best that life has to offer and I will always be here for you.

Proud of you.

Much Love,

Auntie Lisa (Uncle Chris and Delaney)

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