This blog post is for a beautiful, talented, amazing woman that I know...Tasana Diane Carol Clarke. You have done it. You graduated. No more classes, no more books, no more teachers dirty looks....or however, that rhyme goes. I am so proud of you.
I remember when I first met you. You stole my heart from that first glance. You were a bundle of love, energy and spirit. I remember wanting you to like me, I bribed you with crackers, cheese and pickles. You showed affection by sharing your pickles. You had this twinkle in your eye and an infectious giggle. You still do.
Now lets get back to the point of this post. You have already came a long way. Faced some challenges that I could never pretend to have faced or ever will I have to face. You have experienced things already in your life that many wished they could. Traveled places, won awards, acted in plays, played rugby, worked your first and second job. You have learned a great deal in just 17 and a half short years.
I wanted to send you off into the world with some great words of wisdom, except, now that I am writing...I don't know how many wise words I may have. All I can do is tell you some of what I have learned along the way.
First off I am sure glad that I graduated high school while I was a teenager and still knew everything. Otherwise the world may have seemed quite daunting. LOL.
1) Maintain a positive attitude. Life is going to be riddled with ups and downs. Your attitude will determine how well you get through them.
2) Do what you love. What you LOVE! What you are passionate about. What sets your heart a flutter. Find something that doesn't feel like work and do that. Confucius said " Choose a job that you love and you will never have to work a day in your life." Life is about more than money. If you do what you love your life feels rich and rewarding even if you aren't living in a mansion. Every day I wake up blessed that I get to do what I do.
3) Be kind whenever possible. And it is always possible. Even if you have to tell someone something that they don't want to hear - they will react better if it is coming from a place of kindness and love. Be kind to yourself as well. Don't fall into the trap of calling yourself stupid, idiot, fat, ugly or whatever unkind words may enter your mind. You are the most important person you listen to. Say loving things. Always. Practice saying kind things to yourself, it makes a difference.
4) Stand up for what is right - every time. You were born strong, powerful and fearless - don't let that change now. Every time we look away, hold our tongue or cover our ears we are committing an act just as offending as the one you are looking away from. Inaction weighs heavily on ones conscious.
5) Forgive first - You can be right or you can be loved. We all make mistakes. No sense in making them any bigger by carrying a grudge. Make amends.
6) Laugh every day! Often and out loud! Snort even in a fit of giggles. I don't know if it makes you live any longer but it works your ab muscles and you feel younger after.
7) Hold the door for people, wave when they let you into traffic, and smile at the people you meet.
8) Never ever dumb it down. You are smart. God gave you a brain. Use it. If you feel you need to play dumb to get someone to notice you or like you better - stop! They aren't worth it.
9) Love yourself always. You are bright, beautiful, loving, loved, lovable, caring, compassionate, talented, witty, funny and so much more.
10) Know that regardless of the hand life deals you - your family will always love you. We will pick you up if ever you stumble. We will celebrate your successes. We love you no matter what. We will shelter you in every storm. Never be afraid to lean on us.
Now for some practical living tips:
1) Clean your fridge the night before every garbage day and before you leave on vacation. You did enough science in school. You do not need experiments growing in your fridge. You will have to go in the fridge eventually.
2) Pay your bills - no power and living by candlelight is only romantic for the first two days.
3) Live with a roommate to teach you how much you want to live alone.
4) Live alone to realize you are great company. And to teach you to value the people in your life who offer to take out your garbage.
5) Don't buy dry clean only clothes because you will decide at one point that they can survive the washer and dryer once...and they won't. Trust me....I learned the hard way.
6) Check your pockets as things go in the washing machine EVERYTIME!
7) Put $20 in your coat pocket each time you put it away for a season. It will make your day when you find it.
8) Buy your toilet paper in bulk. It is not fun when you run out.
9) Call your Mom, she will worry if you don't. Visit your Auntie - She misses you.
10) Buy a wig, just in case you need a costume to play Rosie's dinner. If you wear that wig for any other purposes don't ever tell me. I don't want to know. LOL.
Life is about the journey not the destination. Your journey does not come with a road map. Your only compass is your heart. Let your heart lead you on a joyful journey.
Tasana my girl, I want to say your life starts right now. Forget about highschool. Get living life. Your life starts fresh every day when you wake up. Make the most of it. Readjust your sails if you have to. And know your family loves you and is proud of you. Live your life for you. Not for anyone else. We each have a chance to make what we want out of life. Watching you chase your dreams and live your passion is what keeps us proud. And our love is unconditional.
I wish you all the very best that life has to offer and I will always be here for you.
Proud of you.
Much Love,
Auntie Lisa (Uncle Chris and Delaney)
Thursday, 27 June 2013
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
It Is What It Is

I had that experience May 9th, 2013. It was 9:33am and I was parked on Sparrow drive and I was wishing my Great Aunt Donna safe travels and to enjoy her journey. A voice in my heart told me to remind her that I cherished my time with her and that I loved her. Luckily, I listened to that voice and I did just that. That was indeed that last time I was able to hug her and say goodbye. Shortly after 3pm today she peacefully slipped away from us.
Now let me tell you about my Great Aunt Donna. She was a woman you knew was in the room. She may have had a slight and slender frame partnered with a quiet voice but you couldn't miss her. She never missed a beat. She knew everything that was going on around her and she was giving a feisty running commentary. She could say the most astonishing things. She could cut right through the bullshit and hit the nail on the head in seconds. Even when she was quiet you knew she was paying attention and preparing another zinger because her twinkling eyes gave it away.
Great Aunt Donna had far more to her than sharp witted humor. She was a well respected psych nurse. Taught herself how to play the stock market from reading the paper and watching the stocks. From there she went into real estate investing. She valued and loved her time with family. I don't know about you but I am always impressed with people who believe in continuous learning, who don't use fear as an excuse to stop them from trying something new and who chase their dreams.
This post could go on for pages. But for now I will keep this simple. Great Aunt Donna, you lived up to the word Great. You have left a living legacy that will never ever be forgotten. We will love forever and remember you fondly. Thank you for being you. For never changing because someone else thought maybe you should. You were an inspiration to many and we will do our very best to live the lessons that you taught us in your lifetime. Whenever I am dwelling on something troubling me I will hear your voice echo in my ears..."It is what it is."
May you rest peacefully reunited with those who have passed before you.
Forever in our thoughts and hearts.
Much Love,
Sunday, 23 June 2013
What Are You Waiting For???
Today has had waiting as its theme. Some of the things that I was waiting on were of little importance and others were a matter of life and death.
Today and for the past few days we have been waiting near the phone for an update on the health of my Great Aunt Donna. There is no delicate way to word it other than it is appearing she is at the end of her days. She is surrounded by those who love her and are there to provide comfort. None of us wish to she her go and we keep holding out hope that she will make a miraculous recovery. Aunt Donna you are Loved.
The other thing that I have been waiting on certainly is less important but worth mentioning none the less. I have been waiting four months to run out of excuses. You see in February I was preparing to post a video. And then I have spent every day since then coming up with every excuse in the book not to write the script and not to press record. I was able to get really creative with them. In fact I don't think that I ever reused a single excuse.

Today I more excuses...I will just make the video and upload it. Well....I made the video. It took me less than 5 minutes. In fact it took me longer to set up the tripod. I was super excited. And then I decided...hey I need to edit the video. So I did what most people in a hurry do. I googled the solution. Chose the first link that offered video editing software and then tried seven times to get it installed properly. From there I spent a couple of hours teaching myself how to make the software work. Success!!!!! Next I was off to youtube....create account - check, upload video - fail!!! WTF!!!! This video is not in an acceptable format for youtube! Gah!!! Are you kidding me?
So instead of being patient and finding a new software....I just posted the original video sans editing. Was this the best choice? Maybe not. But...I posted my video. I never made excuses and got hung up on it being perfect. I just posted it. As is. And then...I waited....and....waited....and waited....96 minutes. Who ever would have thought it could take that long. So if you would like to view this epic video please feel free to watch this video. And share it with your friends :)
This has proven to be a great reminder to me. You do not have to be great to start but you have to start to be great.
What is it that you are waiting for? Are you waiting and wishing your life away? Is there something you are making excuses about? Are you avoiding living while waiting for the "perfect" moment? I can tell you that the perfect moment will never arrive. It will simply pass you by in disguise. The time is now. Do it now. If it didn't work, do it over again. Try something else. Change it up. But do something! That will put you miles ahead of those who are too scared to even start.
If I can post a video on youtube for all the world to can stop making excuses and start working on your project. For extra support...head to my website... and sign up for my newsletter.
Leave your excuses behind and live a little.
Much Love,
Today and for the past few days we have been waiting near the phone for an update on the health of my Great Aunt Donna. There is no delicate way to word it other than it is appearing she is at the end of her days. She is surrounded by those who love her and are there to provide comfort. None of us wish to she her go and we keep holding out hope that she will make a miraculous recovery. Aunt Donna you are Loved.
The other thing that I have been waiting on certainly is less important but worth mentioning none the less. I have been waiting four months to run out of excuses. You see in February I was preparing to post a video. And then I have spent every day since then coming up with every excuse in the book not to write the script and not to press record. I was able to get really creative with them. In fact I don't think that I ever reused a single excuse.

Today I more excuses...I will just make the video and upload it. Well....I made the video. It took me less than 5 minutes. In fact it took me longer to set up the tripod. I was super excited. And then I decided...hey I need to edit the video. So I did what most people in a hurry do. I googled the solution. Chose the first link that offered video editing software and then tried seven times to get it installed properly. From there I spent a couple of hours teaching myself how to make the software work. Success!!!!! Next I was off to youtube....create account - check, upload video - fail!!! WTF!!!! This video is not in an acceptable format for youtube! Gah!!! Are you kidding me?
So instead of being patient and finding a new software....I just posted the original video sans editing. Was this the best choice? Maybe not. But...I posted my video. I never made excuses and got hung up on it being perfect. I just posted it. As is. And then...I waited....and....waited....and waited....96 minutes. Who ever would have thought it could take that long. So if you would like to view this epic video please feel free to watch this video. And share it with your friends :)
This has proven to be a great reminder to me. You do not have to be great to start but you have to start to be great.
What is it that you are waiting for? Are you waiting and wishing your life away? Is there something you are making excuses about? Are you avoiding living while waiting for the "perfect" moment? I can tell you that the perfect moment will never arrive. It will simply pass you by in disguise. The time is now. Do it now. If it didn't work, do it over again. Try something else. Change it up. But do something! That will put you miles ahead of those who are too scared to even start.
If I can post a video on youtube for all the world to can stop making excuses and start working on your project. For extra support...head to my website... and sign up for my newsletter.
Leave your excuses behind and live a little.
Much Love,
Daddy's Little Girl
First World Problem Alert - Didn't get around to posting my Father's Day Blog because....well....I was too busy hanging out with all of the awesome Dads in my life. I wouldn't have it any other way.
How many of you are Daddy's little girl? Or are the Daddy to a little girl?
I grew up blessed. I had a Dad that was a huge role model in my life. He still is today. I don't think that I can really write down every lesson my father has taught me up until this point. But I do want to highlight some of the life changers.

You stand beside those you love. Through anything. There isn't a storm a family cannot weather when they stand together. In junior high there was a situation that placed my family in the public spotlight. It was a situation where it was my version of events vs. a principal. Never once did I doubt that my parents were firmly by my side. When I was going through this period of time I used to be consumed with the ostracizing and the bullying that happened. Never once did I really think what my parents had to go through. Since we weren't born in that community we were always the new people to a certain extent. It wasn't until recently that I really considered how difficult it would have been for them. All the stares, whispers and rumors. I can just imagine how hard it would have been for my Dad to hear things being said about his little girl.
You are never to busy to help out a friend. My Dad is always helping someone. Whether it be moving cows, branding, hauling hay, treating animals, shoeing horses and the occasional donkey he is always helping someone out. It is all too common these days that people do not want to help out another unless it benefits them. I don't think those words are in my father's vocabulary.
Do what you love! I never really realized that my Dad truly believed in this until July 7, 2012. My Husband, Daughter and I had traveled to the farm so that I could participate in a ranch rodeo with my Dad. He was short a team member and for some reason I had agreed to come along. Never mind the fact I hadn't roped anything since 2007. Forget the fact that I have only been riding maybe three times a year. Do it anyway. That morning I was a combination of nerves and excitement. Until the telephone rang. We had received news that one of my Dad's best friends had passed away. This shook our entire household. Grief flooded in. Yet still we went to the Ranch rodeo. Not out of disrespect. There was nothing we could do for Jim and he would've went to the rodeo had he been there. While we were warming up our horses I was riding in front of my Dad while he was talking with his friend. I overheard my Dad talking about how he was incredibly blessed. He gets to do what he loves each and every day of his life. He felt sorry for all of those people who spend their lives sitting behind a desk not doing what it is that they truly loved. If you only live once, why waste it? Those words really resonated with me because shortly thereafter I quit my job and started doing what I really enjoyed.
Now these aren't the only lessons that my Dad has taught me and I am certain that there are many more for me to learn. I do however, think that the world would be a brighter place if we all practiced these three consistently.

1. Stand by those you love and what you believe in.
2. Take time out to help out your friends and neighbors and expect nothing back in return.
3. Do what you Love - Each and Every Day.
Thank you Dad for being You. I believe Children choose their parents. And I would choose you every time.
All my Love,
Daddy's Little Girl

You stand beside those you love. Through anything. There isn't a storm a family cannot weather when they stand together. In junior high there was a situation that placed my family in the public spotlight. It was a situation where it was my version of events vs. a principal. Never once did I doubt that my parents were firmly by my side. When I was going through this period of time I used to be consumed with the ostracizing and the bullying that happened. Never once did I really think what my parents had to go through. Since we weren't born in that community we were always the new people to a certain extent. It wasn't until recently that I really considered how difficult it would have been for them. All the stares, whispers and rumors. I can just imagine how hard it would have been for my Dad to hear things being said about his little girl.
You are never to busy to help out a friend. My Dad is always helping someone. Whether it be moving cows, branding, hauling hay, treating animals, shoeing horses and the occasional donkey he is always helping someone out. It is all too common these days that people do not want to help out another unless it benefits them. I don't think those words are in my father's vocabulary.
Do what you love! I never really realized that my Dad truly believed in this until July 7, 2012. My Husband, Daughter and I had traveled to the farm so that I could participate in a ranch rodeo with my Dad. He was short a team member and for some reason I had agreed to come along. Never mind the fact I hadn't roped anything since 2007. Forget the fact that I have only been riding maybe three times a year. Do it anyway. That morning I was a combination of nerves and excitement. Until the telephone rang. We had received news that one of my Dad's best friends had passed away. This shook our entire household. Grief flooded in. Yet still we went to the Ranch rodeo. Not out of disrespect. There was nothing we could do for Jim and he would've went to the rodeo had he been there. While we were warming up our horses I was riding in front of my Dad while he was talking with his friend. I overheard my Dad talking about how he was incredibly blessed. He gets to do what he loves each and every day of his life. He felt sorry for all of those people who spend their lives sitting behind a desk not doing what it is that they truly loved. If you only live once, why waste it? Those words really resonated with me because shortly thereafter I quit my job and started doing what I really enjoyed.
Now these aren't the only lessons that my Dad has taught me and I am certain that there are many more for me to learn. I do however, think that the world would be a brighter place if we all practiced these three consistently.

1. Stand by those you love and what you believe in.
2. Take time out to help out your friends and neighbors and expect nothing back in return.
3. Do what you Love - Each and Every Day.
Thank you Dad for being You. I believe Children choose their parents. And I would choose you every time.
All my Love,
Daddy's Little Girl
Friday, 14 June 2013
Happiness Is An Inside Job

Recently some of my friends have been struggling with happiness. We have all been there. Some days or moments are more of a struggle than others. It is so important to realize that happiness is a choice. And that choice is a personal one.
In my "job" I have the privilege of hearing many details of peoples lives. I am invited in to their innermost feelings and experiences. One person showed me a text message from an old boyfriend. The person kept telling her that tried so hard to make her happy. And that he didn't know what else he could possibly do to make her happy. I just wanted to grab her phone and call him and is where you are going astray...
You can't make someone else happy. It doesn't matter if you cater to their every whim. Buy them diamonds, do handstands or take out the garbage. They may prefer rubies to diamonds. Handstands may block their view of the television. And the garbage...well I am happy whenever someone takes out my trash but that is besides the point. Happiness is something that comes from within. What you think and how you act determines your happiness level. We all want our loved ones to be happy but we can't force that on them. Trust me, I know that the only thing that would make my night owl husband happy in the morning is if it didn't start until one in the afternoon. What we can do is be happy ourselves and hope that the energy and enthusiasm rubs off on them. Happiness can be contagious.
If you are one of those people who try hard to make others happy, relax. Know that it isn't your job. It isn't your responsibility. Erase it from your to do list. Find it in yourself to be happy. Look for the joy in all that surrounds you. Look for the beauty that is around you and within you.
Happiness is a choice. Choose to be happy, giddy, joyful.
Lead Life Joyfully.
Much Love,
Thursday, 13 June 2013
No News Is Good News

I used to watch the news. I even read the paper that was delivered every day. One day I found I just wasn't that interested in watching the blood and gore of the day while I tried to eat my dinner. Some days my cooking is dim enough. I didn't like the feeling of helplessness and hopelessness that the terror and tragedy of the day brought me. I tried to think of how often there was a warm, uplifting story that graced the headlines. Not very. When I thought about what watching the news served me I was hard pressed to come up with an answer. Oh sure, it gave me something to talk to my husband about. A topic for us to debate. But let's face it, Chris and I can debate anything if we want to. I don't need a daily dose of news to give me something to talk about. And he watches it and reads it enough for the both of us.
The other day I was talking to some of my friends (trust me - you are not the only one I harass about reading the news) about their obsession with watching the news. One said it was so they were current with tragedies of the world - natural disasters and so on. So they could suffer with the people affected in spirit. Pardon me...WTF? Watch an uplifting story - Rejoice with those people. Send the positive energy out into the world. Not the energy of suffering - enough of that exists already. Thoughts of love, faith and hope will do more for people than that of commiserating. Look around you, people everywhere want to share their story of suffering. You don't need a television to see that. And you are close enough to help combat that suffering with kindness.
One friend said "But Lisa, what if the world was ending? Wouldn't you want to know?" Uhmm, I think I would figure it out. LOL. I am not trying to be offensive. I am just simply stating what is my not so humble opinion. I don't need the news to tell me that bad things happen every day. I have my life to show that good things can happen every day. That matters to me most.
If you are finding that your outlook on life is dim, doom and attention to what you are feeding your mind. Limit the negative influences. Think happier thoughts, read and watch things with a positive message. Talk to positive people. See the glass half full. Or better yet, overflowing. Try it for a week and see if it makes a difference. For me it was a life changer.
I will step off my soap box for now.
Have a day just as Beautiful as You,
Much Love,
*Lead Life Joyfully*
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Bigger Than Ourselves

Sometimes it is so easy to get sucked into someone else's drama. Where you want to fulfill the role of judge and jury. To take a side and a stance based on how the topic affects you emotionally. With my clients I am able to stay impartial. I can see things from the outside looking in. No inclination to help fight the battle for them. My role is just to help them see what the options are and remind them what they told me was truly important to them. When it comes to my friends or family it triggers an entirely different part of me. I want to fiercely protect them from any pain or negativity. I am not certain why I think this becomes my job. No one has hired me for that position. I never ran for office, never won the election. But still there I will be with my armor on ready for battle. Do you ever find yourself reacting the same way? Some days it is a real struggle to step back and just be the support team that helps out afterwards.
When it comes to battles of my own I am less inclined to put the armor on. I tend to ask myself...Did I act out of kindness? Did it come from a place of love? Did I feel I was doing my very best at the time? Can I learn something from this? Okay, then I do not need to defend myself. If I did my best, where is the need to structure a defense and do battle? Some days are easier than others. Sometimes I need to reach out to my loved ones to remind me of this. Sometimes I remember this all on my own. It is a journey and we are all a work in progress. React to what life brings you in kindness. "Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." - Dalai Lama.
When I need a reminder that I am part of something bigger, I always think of the feeling when I am scuba diving. I don't know how many of you are divers but, if you are not, I urge you to try it. There is no other feeling like it in the world - at least not that I have ever experienced. First you always feel the rush of adrenaline and excitement. I am going to do this...I get to do this...oh yes I do...bring it. Your heart beats fast as you lean back off the boat and surrender to gravity. The feeling of trying to right yourself in the waves after the initial plunge into the ocean. Trying to get your bearings. Remembering to trust in the process as you bob to the surface and you find your circle. The feeling of so much happening at once as you get ready to descend. The confirmation that all is well and life is amazing once you have descended just a few inches under the surface. Life slows down. You become an observer. Worries of the everyday float away. And you connect with something larger than yourself. You see, sometimes you think that you are the center of the Universe and then once you slip into the ocean, you realize a lot goes on without you.
I always experience an immense feeling of gratitude when diving. I am grateful for being able to take a time out from the everyday and go on vacation with those I love. I am grateful for the life I have been given. I am grateful for all the beauty that surrounds me and is a part of me. I am grateful for the complexity and simplicity that the Universe has to offer. I am grateful for...well everything. There are times when I need to remind myself to slow down and just take it all in.
When you observe life underwater you are reminded that we are all on a journey, we are all going somewhere but sometimes you see more when you just slow it down a little. If you are always swimming at the front of the school you will miss the majestic grace that floats by in the form of a sea turtle.
We are all blessed to be here. Sometimes you need to look a little harder to see the blessing but guaranteed it is always there for you when you are ready to see it. If life seems to be moving too fast remember you don't need to be at the front of the school. You can observe for awhile. If it seems to be too much for you, let the energy, enthusiasm, and kindness of others help move you along. Lean on others around you. If you are feeling like you have more to give, reach out and help someone else come along with you. Our own journeys are enhanced by the journey of others. We are all connected. We are all part of something bigger than ourselves. Embrace that knowledge.
When I am ascending from a dive I always feel rejuvenated, inspired, hopeful and connected. There is comfort knowing you are not alone. We are never truly alone. The weight of the world does not rest solely on your shoulders.
I wish you all the blessings in the world. I hope you have something that reminds you of being connected like diving does for me. Know that someone will always be there for you if you need to reach out. I am here if you need me. You can find me at or . I'd love to hear from you.
Until then, have a day as Beautiful as you are. Lead Life Joyfully.
Much Love,
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
Perspective and Perception are Personal
I wish I could tell you what direction this blog was going to head in as I sit down and write but I can't. The troubles of the day are weighing heavily on my shoulders. So much so I feel pressed into the ground.
You see, I woke up sore, like I had somehow been to battle in my sleep. My energy levels depleted. My spirit dim. But still I faced the day with as much energy as I could muster. I was given the gift of life today and I wasn't wanting to waste it.
I went to the bank and found out that a new bank policy could cause me to lose a bunch of money. And a call from the CRA just added to the weight of the day. I struggled to figure out how to bounce back from this. Where was the lesson? What are my beliefs surrounding money that are affecting my ability to let it come into my life? I was racking my brain....what is the lesson? How can I learn it and share with others?
I didn't have a long time to ponder on this because my phone started to ring. A few text messages in and I realized that I had absolutely nothing to complain about.
Life changes in an instant. I went from feeling sorry for myself over a few thousand dollars to learning someone's livelihood hangs in the balance. That would have been more than enough to take in but I soon found out a life hung in the balance.
What a sobering moment. I found that in a period of seven minutes it can become a matter of life and death. Suddenly all the money in the world becomes worthless when it compares to the life of a loved one.
Some days don't turn out the way you wish. In fact not all days do. But count your blessings that you woke up to today. Some people weren't that lucky.
Make today great! Tomorrow is not guaranteed.
Much Love,
R.I.P Alvin Eddy. I may never have met you, but I know that you were loved.
You see, I woke up sore, like I had somehow been to battle in my sleep. My energy levels depleted. My spirit dim. But still I faced the day with as much energy as I could muster. I was given the gift of life today and I wasn't wanting to waste it.
I went to the bank and found out that a new bank policy could cause me to lose a bunch of money. And a call from the CRA just added to the weight of the day. I struggled to figure out how to bounce back from this. Where was the lesson? What are my beliefs surrounding money that are affecting my ability to let it come into my life? I was racking my brain....what is the lesson? How can I learn it and share with others?
I didn't have a long time to ponder on this because my phone started to ring. A few text messages in and I realized that I had absolutely nothing to complain about.
Life changes in an instant. I went from feeling sorry for myself over a few thousand dollars to learning someone's livelihood hangs in the balance. That would have been more than enough to take in but I soon found out a life hung in the balance.
What a sobering moment. I found that in a period of seven minutes it can become a matter of life and death. Suddenly all the money in the world becomes worthless when it compares to the life of a loved one.
Some days don't turn out the way you wish. In fact not all days do. But count your blessings that you woke up to today. Some people weren't that lucky.
Make today great! Tomorrow is not guaranteed.
Much Love,
R.I.P Alvin Eddy. I may never have met you, but I know that you were loved.
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Watch Your Language!!!!
When someone tells me to watch my language I know that they are referring to my use of the "f" word. Not the common "f" word used by women either. I certainly do not use the word "fine" and spit it out like passive aggressive venom. Instead I tend to use the other "less ladylike" "f" word. I can pepper any sentence with it - sometimes multiple times. And I never mean to offend anyone with it. That doesn't mean people aren't offended by it. And allow me to throw this disclaimer in here...I wasn't raised with this being an acceptable word (you are off the hook Mom). What I do know that language is a very powerful thing. Especially, the language we use when talking to ourselves. Yes, you reading this, you talk to yourself - all the time actually. That's normal. It's the answering back that pushes the limits of normal.
Recently I was able to spend some time talking to some Ladies about the power of language. One lady shared with me that she needed to shift her language. She was feeling worn out from all the "have to's" in her life.
Have to do the dishes
Have to go to work
Have to pay the mortgage
Have to get groceries
Have to help a friend
How exhausting does that list seem to you? I'm tired just reading it let alone doing it.
Now what happens if you shift your language like she did to...I choose to...
I choose to do the dishes
I choose to go to work
I choose to pay the mortgage
I choose to get groceries
I choose to help a friend
How does that feel? Better. I know it does. Because you have a choice. You can leave the dishes. Fuck 'em. They will still be there tomorrow. And if they aren't - even better! WIN!
There is a little more power in the "I choose" statement.
Now since I am all about pushing boundaries I asked her to stretch a little. I asked her say....I get to...
I get to do the dishes (many people in the world have no dishes, no food, no running water)
I get to go to work (many people wish for a job)
I get to pay the mortgage (many wish to have a roof over their head let alone own one)
I get to get groceries (many people rely on food banks if they even get food at all)
I get to help a friend (how blessed we are to give of ourselves to help lift others up)
When I make this shift in my thinking it fires me up. It empowers AND energizes me. I feel the freedom of choice and I want to get it done....because I can.
I don't know if you felt the same shift as I did. Try it, and let me know how it goes for you. I can only hope it helps you as much as it does me,
I have said this before, and I will say it again...
The most important person you can listen to in a day is you. What you say in your every day conversations with yourself sets you up for either success or failure. Speak kind words to yourself and to all that surround you.
Let me know other ways that you can shift your language. Share your success stories with me.
Until then...
Have a Day just as Beautiful as You Are.
Much Love,
*Lead Life Joyfully*
Recently I was able to spend some time talking to some Ladies about the power of language. One lady shared with me that she needed to shift her language. She was feeling worn out from all the "have to's" in her life.
Have to do the dishes
Have to go to work
Have to pay the mortgage
Have to get groceries
Have to help a friend
How exhausting does that list seem to you? I'm tired just reading it let alone doing it.
Now what happens if you shift your language like she did to...I choose to...
I choose to do the dishes
I choose to go to work
I choose to pay the mortgage
I choose to get groceries
I choose to help a friend
How does that feel? Better. I know it does. Because you have a choice. You can leave the dishes. Fuck 'em. They will still be there tomorrow. And if they aren't - even better! WIN!
There is a little more power in the "I choose" statement.
Now since I am all about pushing boundaries I asked her to stretch a little. I asked her say....I get to...
I get to do the dishes (many people in the world have no dishes, no food, no running water)
I get to go to work (many people wish for a job)
I get to pay the mortgage (many wish to have a roof over their head let alone own one)
I get to get groceries (many people rely on food banks if they even get food at all)
I get to help a friend (how blessed we are to give of ourselves to help lift others up)
When I make this shift in my thinking it fires me up. It empowers AND energizes me. I feel the freedom of choice and I want to get it done....because I can.
I don't know if you felt the same shift as I did. Try it, and let me know how it goes for you. I can only hope it helps you as much as it does me,
I have said this before, and I will say it again...
The most important person you can listen to in a day is you. What you say in your every day conversations with yourself sets you up for either success or failure. Speak kind words to yourself and to all that surround you.
Let me know other ways that you can shift your language. Share your success stories with me.
Until then...
Have a Day just as Beautiful as You Are.
Much Love,
*Lead Life Joyfully*
The First Big Game....
I realized that I have not yet posted my blog on the big game. Then I quickly realized, I had not yet written the blog post. LOL. So here it goes.
Sunday May 26th was our first game against the Rockers. I wish that I could clearly describe to you what the first game was actually like.
You see I had been in Montana the week leading up to the big game. We had traveled from Whitefish, MT to Calgary, AB the day before. On Sunday we piled into the car to drive the last leg of the journey home. Now I realize that it is not a far journey. It was simply a long one. I get excited when I am going to do something new. Some of you may call it anxiety or nervous energy. I like to call it excitement since it affects my body the same way.
During the car ride I tried to distract myself from pre game jitters by studying my route tree flash cards and reading a trashy fiction. I was even remotely successful. The closer it got to game time the more amped up that I got. I packed and repacked my bag. I was waiting in the car before my husband came to drive me to the field.
The closer we got the more I tried to block out the "what if" scenarios that were bombarding me. As we arrived at the field 30 min prior to game time I noticed that all of my team mates were already there and dressed. They were already on the field running routes and warming up. I fought the panic that I was late. That somehow I missed a memo about game time. For those of you who know me...I don't handle late with grace. I want to be on time. On time for me means 15 minutes early. If I show up at 8:00 when I am supposed to be there for 8:00 I still feel late. And in the event I am there after the scheduled time...well...we just won't talk about that.
Such was the case for the first game. At the final practice it was determined that we needed to be at the field 45 minutes early. I was not. I was only 30 minutes prior to kick off. This meant I was..GASP.....LATE. This was not a good start. In fact it was far from good. I scrambled to get my socks and cleats on and run out to the field. We were running our tree - you know the one I wrote flash cards for and studying them like a good little nerd - that I had been able to recite from memory. Well I promptly ran a four in rather than out towards the sideline. I was a mess. This jumble of nerves. Sounds were muffled. Everything sounded like Charlie Brown's teacher talking. All the other girls seemed to be in perfect flow of one another and I was this disconnected wreck.
In the blink of an eye the ref called for the captains and the game was ready to begin. Now I can't tell you which side of the coin we flipped. Whether Defense or Offense was on the field first. It is all a blur. What I can tell you is that I was terrible my first time on the field.
I couldn't tell you if they were "strong left" or "strong right". I forgot to drop when my number was called. It was all just a mess. I could feel the frustration from my team mates. Fun was not what we were having out there on the field. I was beginning to think that perhaps table tennis was more my sport.
By the end of the game the score was too high to count for the other team. We never even made it on the board. Final score...a mercy...50-0. For the other gals - the ones that played as a team. Who supported and encouraged each other.
I think it is safe to say that no one from the Predators left the field that day feeling like a winner.
Some days you relive moments in your head and you think, well I should have done that...or I should have done this...oh man why didn't I do that....Gah! I was the same way that night after football. My sleep was restless. I kept reliving every play. Thinking of what I could have done better.
When I crawled out of bed in the morning I realized all the tossing and turning did nothing to impact what had happened in a game that was already played. All I could do was go out and try my best during the next game.
The moral of this blog post is two fold. One you are never great at something you do the first time. You couldn't walk the first time you tried but you tried again anyway and you kept trying until you could walk. Apply that mindset to all that you do. And Two, no amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of worry can change the future. So direct your energy someplace else where it will actually be useful.
My challenge to you is to try something again for a second time. Something you weren't great at but you know would bring you joy if you could only just be kinder to yourself about how your first performance went. Let me know how it turns out.
Have a Day as Beautiful as you are and remember to Lead your Life Joyfully.
Much Love,
Sunday May 26th was our first game against the Rockers. I wish that I could clearly describe to you what the first game was actually like.
You see I had been in Montana the week leading up to the big game. We had traveled from Whitefish, MT to Calgary, AB the day before. On Sunday we piled into the car to drive the last leg of the journey home. Now I realize that it is not a far journey. It was simply a long one. I get excited when I am going to do something new. Some of you may call it anxiety or nervous energy. I like to call it excitement since it affects my body the same way.
During the car ride I tried to distract myself from pre game jitters by studying my route tree flash cards and reading a trashy fiction. I was even remotely successful. The closer it got to game time the more amped up that I got. I packed and repacked my bag. I was waiting in the car before my husband came to drive me to the field.
The closer we got the more I tried to block out the "what if" scenarios that were bombarding me. As we arrived at the field 30 min prior to game time I noticed that all of my team mates were already there and dressed. They were already on the field running routes and warming up. I fought the panic that I was late. That somehow I missed a memo about game time. For those of you who know me...I don't handle late with grace. I want to be on time. On time for me means 15 minutes early. If I show up at 8:00 when I am supposed to be there for 8:00 I still feel late. And in the event I am there after the scheduled time...well...we just won't talk about that.
Such was the case for the first game. At the final practice it was determined that we needed to be at the field 45 minutes early. I was not. I was only 30 minutes prior to kick off. This meant I was..GASP.....LATE. This was not a good start. In fact it was far from good. I scrambled to get my socks and cleats on and run out to the field. We were running our tree - you know the one I wrote flash cards for and studying them like a good little nerd - that I had been able to recite from memory. Well I promptly ran a four in rather than out towards the sideline. I was a mess. This jumble of nerves. Sounds were muffled. Everything sounded like Charlie Brown's teacher talking. All the other girls seemed to be in perfect flow of one another and I was this disconnected wreck.
In the blink of an eye the ref called for the captains and the game was ready to begin. Now I can't tell you which side of the coin we flipped. Whether Defense or Offense was on the field first. It is all a blur. What I can tell you is that I was terrible my first time on the field.
I couldn't tell you if they were "strong left" or "strong right". I forgot to drop when my number was called. It was all just a mess. I could feel the frustration from my team mates. Fun was not what we were having out there on the field. I was beginning to think that perhaps table tennis was more my sport.
By the end of the game the score was too high to count for the other team. We never even made it on the board. Final score...a mercy...50-0. For the other gals - the ones that played as a team. Who supported and encouraged each other.
I think it is safe to say that no one from the Predators left the field that day feeling like a winner.
Some days you relive moments in your head and you think, well I should have done that...or I should have done this...oh man why didn't I do that....Gah! I was the same way that night after football. My sleep was restless. I kept reliving every play. Thinking of what I could have done better.
When I crawled out of bed in the morning I realized all the tossing and turning did nothing to impact what had happened in a game that was already played. All I could do was go out and try my best during the next game.
The moral of this blog post is two fold. One you are never great at something you do the first time. You couldn't walk the first time you tried but you tried again anyway and you kept trying until you could walk. Apply that mindset to all that you do. And Two, no amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of worry can change the future. So direct your energy someplace else where it will actually be useful.
My challenge to you is to try something again for a second time. Something you weren't great at but you know would bring you joy if you could only just be kinder to yourself about how your first performance went. Let me know how it turns out.
Have a Day as Beautiful as you are and remember to Lead your Life Joyfully.
Much Love,
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