Three weeks ago my Husband and I were in the audience when Dr. John C. Maxwell spoke of the rubber band. A rubber band is only useful when it is being stretched...otherwise you miss out on its full potential. In his talk he asked when the last time that we stretched ourselves. When did we reach outside our comfort level, when did we last grow. It the time that he was speaking I elbowed my husband in the side and asked him, "hey, when is the last time that I did something new..."
Now I am a woman truly blessed. My life gives me the opportunity to try new things often. Perhaps this is because earlier in my life I was sheltered or scared...never wanting to explore. Perhaps it is because I am blessed by the abundance of my husband's pay cheque, or perhaps it is because I have spent my life being eternally curious. I don't ever want to miss anything. I can provide you with countless examples as to how I would spring from bed early afraid that an adventure would occur without me in it.
This morning is no different. You see we are vacationing in Montana, The In-Laws, My Husband, Daughter and I. At six am I awoke thinking it was too bright to be morning and realizing we had been blessed with 4 inches of snow. I tried to go back to sleep but instead I needed to rise from my bed, make a coffee and read my book while taking in the beauty of the May snowfall.
See I warned you earlier I would stray from the point of my story. Back to new things. John C. Maxwell asks when the last time we tried something new. At the time of that speech I asked my Husband, what on earth have I tried...He told me...just that very morning I had Dim Sum. I played out my role in my "Amazing Race". There was nothing I refused to try. Many items from the carts making their way to my table. I would be lying if I said I enjoyed them all, but I did try them all.
I think that may be a defining difference. Often we seek out what we like. We are safe with what it is that we like. No growth is required. But the moment when we force ourselves to stretch is when we find the moment that we grow. We don't always need to enjoy the teaching opportunity but we do need to acknowledge the growth. Find The Lesson, Learn The Lesson, Live The Lesson.
In the following posts I will share with you what I have done to stretch myself. Ideally I will be able to account for the ways I have ventured out and tried something new each and every week. I urge you to do the same. Stretch and Grow. Become something new.
I wish you a day as Beautiful as You!
Much Love,
Lead Life Joyfully
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