She looked at me and said "Thank you for raising money for Cancer research, I beat Cancer three years ago. She went on to inquire about Cole & what type of Cancer he had & how old he as. The conversation continued a few minutes and I wished her a day as beautiful as she was.

People all around us want to share their story. We all just want to be heard. Heck, I want to be heard so badly I have a blog AND a website. LOL. Instead of listening to the story that others are trying to tell us we tend to be rushed, and focused on what we are going to say next.
The art of listening is a simple one. We all just need to practice more. To truly listen one just needs to pay attention to the person speaking. Put your phone down, turn the television off, stop multitasking. Hear what the person is saying rather than formulating your response while they are still talking.
There is a poem I read this morning that fits this topic.
A wise old owl lived in an oak,
The more he saw, the less he spoke.
The less he spoke, the more he heard.
Why can't we all be like that wise old bird? - Author Unknown
My lesson for today was - Remember to Listen - Truly Listen. If you listen you will learn something. When you are are not learning.
Each person we come across in life knows at least one thing we do not. Try and learn what that one thing is.
Today I make it my mission to listen. Will you make it yours?
I wish you a day as Beautiful as you are. Do something brilliant with it.
Much Love,
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Lead Life Joyfully
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