He went on to outline two examples in his own life where companies provided above average service and won his patronage for a lifetime. Small things that an employee or company did that made them stand out in a really big way.
I, too have had an example of where a person went above and beyond what was expected of them.
Just last week I was listening to Hay House Radio hoping to pick up a new meditation technique. As I was listening Meggan Watterson was being interviewed. She mentioned that she had an MP3 on sound cloud describing how to hear and connect with your soul voice. I immediately found her recording and it touched me and rang true to my heart. I decided to go to her website and contact her. I just had to thank her for sharing her gift. Lo and behold five days later I found an email from her in my inbox. She took the time out of her day to personally respond to an email. No auto responder for Meggan. Now I knew that I was going to be a long term fan of hers and buy her products when I listened to her speak on the radio and when I listened to her MP3 but when I received her email I knew that I would be a fan and I would promote her work to all that would listen to me.
All of this because she went above and beyond and personally answered my email.
When I was sharing this idea for my blog with my husband he mentioned that he had a fantastic customer service experience. My husband and daughter were shopping for a Mother's Day gift for me and they went to a jewelry store in the local mall. The owner of the store was very attentive and helped them choose just the right gift for me. Now the owner had to have been an incredible man because my three year old daughter gifted him with a hug once they chose the gift. He immediately went to the back of the store and picked out a pink rhinestone bracelet and gave it to her. He did not give this to her to add an item to our sales bill, he gave it to her as a gift - thanking her for the hug. This small token will not be easily forgotten. We will definitely use Carat Jewelers in Millwoods Town Centre for all of our Jewelry needs. He went above and beyond. That small act served to ensure we will be customers for life.
Hearing and seeing how this impacts people in a positive way made me want to apply this to my life and both of my businesses. Moving forward I am going to look for ways to be above average. I am going to look for ways to let the people I interact with know that they are important and valued.
After all...who wants to be the best of the worst or the worst of the best?
The average estimate themselves by what they do, the above average by what they are.
- Johann Friedrich Von Schiler
Please take the time to learn more about Meggan Watterson by stopping by her website at www.megganwatterson.com
Follow her on twitter @megganwatterson
Lead Life Joyfully!
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Much Love,
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