Monday, 12 May 2014


On a whim I decided to check out my blog....just to see...when exactly was the last time that I posted.  And WOW...I need to blow the dust off.  So here is an impromptu post....talking about the importance of the proper mindset.

Have you ever started your work week with...Oh Shit It Is Monday?  With the level of enthusiasm matching what you would muster to go to the dentist for a root canal with a hangover?  We have such a dislike on for Mondays.  We expect the worst from a Monday...and then it comes as no surprise when the day is filled with detours and disappointments.

What if we looked at it as though it could hold just as much promise if not more so than any other day?  What could happen then?

The thoughts we think set us up for success or for failure.  Our mindset is the key to our future.  It is said that we have upwards of 60,000 thoughts per day and 95% of them are identical to the thoughts we had the day before.  It is like one big loop.  It is important for us to check in...are my thoughts positive?  or Negative?  Will they bring me closer to what I want?  Or further away from it?  Now take it a step further...what do I need to be telling myself so that I am empowered to be successful in making what I want a reality?

The more frequently we check in the better off we will be.  Now it is easy for me to write this but much more difficult for me to apply it.  In fact there are so many different times that I talk myself out of doing something that could positively impact my life.  I tell myself that it is hard so why bother, that no one would appreciate it, that I have nothing of value to say and other bullshit like that.  When I find myself in a cycle like that I need to snap out of it.

My favourite way to do that is as simple as a two minute fix.  If you work with me you will know it as a 2 minute random dance party.  Pick your favourite mood boosting, fear blasting, booty shaking song and get it playing on youtube or itunes and get up and dance.  I bet that by the time you are are feeling better.  If that didn't work choose another song and try it again and break out your cheesiest moves.

I want to know your best mindset improving tips so please add them to the comments...let me know what works for you.  I just may ask you to share them with me on my podcast.

Are you wanting to connect more?  Follow me on FacebookInstagram and Twitter.  Or if you would prefer...spend an hour with me learning what could be stopping you from getting what you want in your life and business.  Visit my website to contact me.

Until next time...Have a Day as Beautiful as You!

Much Love,

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