Tuesday, 4 March 2014

How Do You Feel? Aka Day 2 of 20 - List Building Blogging Challenge

Today's prompt - How Do My Clients Feel Before They Work With Me?

This is a relatively simple question for me to answer.  And the reason for this is that my ideal clients are feeling the way I once was.  So it makes it easy for me to be in touch with those emotions.

Before working with me my clients are....
Feeling frustrated.  They want to have it ALL.  The career, the love life, the lifestyle and the cash to pay for it all.  They take stock of their life and realize...they may be rocking some areas of this and the other areas are falling flat.

Women come to me wanting to know how to cash in on their passion.  They have a business that they love (or an idea for a business that they are in LOVE with).  They are pouring their heart into it.  They are doing their best to dodge the fear land mines that are standing in their path.  Even though they don't know exactly how they can grow their business are wanting to move it forward.  They fight the battle of sticking it out and making it work or *gulp* giving it up and getting a job.  Even the very thought of getting a job makes their stomach turn.

They are feeling trapped.  The biz isn't bringing in the dinero, the cake, the cash, the flow that they need/want.  They have people in their lives that are looking at them, waiting to say....I told you so....get a real job, give up the dream and get back to reality.  These people are just projecting their own fears onto the Rebel Hearted Woman.  The Rebel Hearted Woman knows that she feels most alive when she is chasing her dream.  When she is doing what she loves best and serving the World from her heart.  If she could only get her fears and the naysayers to shut up.

They are looking around their lives and knowing that it could hold so much more if they only had someone who believed in them. Secretly they are asking....how can I have it all?  Am I just being selfish?  Is it possible to... Travel the World - Totally Possible!  Fulfilling Relationship - Absofuckinglutely!  Rocking Business - Uhm Hello Why are you doubting this?!  A sense of Community and comfort knowing that you are not the only one wanting it all and going about making it reality? - CHECK!

Sometimes they have their business all figured out and the romance department is totally off the tracks.  Oh sure they would like to have a partner that treats them right.  That knows what a catch they are.  But relationships take work and so do new businesses so they pour themselves into the biz.  They date a person who is not a good fit because hey...we get lonely and the bed gets cold.  All work and no play makes Jane a dull and bitchy gal.  Sometimes it is even worse than that...they have this fucked up belief that they can't actually have it all.  One can only be blessed in one area of their lives at a time....so if I want my business to rock I have to settle for someone that treats me good "most" of the time.  LIES!!!!!!!  Big Ass Bold Face Lies!

My clients also flock to me feeling like they have some serious money blocks.  They are doing what they should and still the World conspires to take their money.  For example:  They are signing up new clients, the bank account is in the black, that new pair of Jimmy Choos are looking like a reality and then....BAM!  The car breaks down, the dryer stops drying and the deep freeze has turned into a defrosted puddle of mushy meats.  Proof that you can't have it all right???  WRONG!  Absolutely untrue and yet still a lie masquerading as a truth.

Most recently I have also found that my clients come to me wanting to reunite with their Rebel Hearted side - to step outside their comfort zones.  We get comfy and complacent and the next thing we know...we have lost momentum.  Our fears kick in and soon we are overwhelmed and stuck.  I have learned that I have a beautiful knack for holding space for people.  I can hold your feet to the fire while standing next to you.  We can break through fear barriers together.  We can do this through emotional and verbal exercises....or we can jump off a mountain.  You choose...I am up for both.

Regardless of how my clients come to me feeling I am always more excited about how they feel after they have worked with me....stay tuned for a future blog post featuring some wicked client testimonials and outstanding results.

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Wishing you a day as beautiful as you!

Much Love,

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