Thursday, 9 February 2017

Five Top Tips To Increase Your Energy

Hey Hey Hey Hey There! How are you doing today? Bursting with energy, I hope.

Yesterday I wrote a blog post about the Power of Energy. You can check it out here if you happened to miss it. It talked about tuning into your energy. Well today I am sharing with you my Top Five Tips to Increase Energy.

First, let's begin by tuning in and getting a sense of where our energy is on a scale of 1 - 10. 1 is that you are feeling like you could hide under the bed. Heaviness and sluggishness are settled into every cell. 10 is like you just had a hit of runner's high combined with winning the lottery. Your smile feels ear to ear.

Close your eyes (unless you are driving, and then why the hell are you reading this post while driving? That shit is dangerous).
Take a nice deep breath in through your nose and exhale out of your mouth.
Ask yourself, where does my energy rate on a scale of 1-10. And number is going to bubble up. Perfect. That is the number. No need to second guess it or wish that it were higher. Where you are right now is absolutely perfect. Gold Star for you.

Now, ask yourself, am I happy with this number? If the answer is yes. Great. If not, even better. You now have the perfect opportunity to apply one or all of the following 5 techniques to increase your energy. With each of these tips, always assess where you are on the energy scale. Before and After so that you can appreciate the improvement.

Tip One: 20 Breaths In and Out through your nose as fast as you can. I learned this at a Kundalini workshop. You may want to have a tissue handy. I learned that the hard way. Not sexy.

Tip Two: Using only your brain power. Tell your brain that it's job is to increase your energy levels by 1 -2 points. Close your eyes. Picture a pinball game. The little ball bouncing off the edges and the flippers. It is really moving. Now watch it moving faster and faster. It is going so fast it has those little tracers. Where it looks like streaks of light everywhere. It is moving so fast and with such force the pinball machine is starting to lift up off of the ground. Do this for a minute as you feel every cell of your brain and body responding faster and faster. This also works with picturing a rollercoaster as well.

Tip Three: Laughter. It seriously is the best medicine. Get your phone out. Set a timer for 30 seconds. Or a minute. And for those 30 seconds, you are going to fake laugh. Outloud. YES, OUTLOUD. You can start with a timid heeheehee or hahaha. And then start using different voices. High pitch. Deep. You pick. Let a smile cross your face as you do it. Really allow yourself to get into it. Chances are that when you are finished, you are laughing for real. Your brain doesn't know if you are faking it or not and starts sending you some feel good endorphins

Tip Four: Tap It Up. Don't worry this does not involve tap shoes. Although tap shoes make my energy list...just not the top five. Practice Emotional Freedom Technique aka Tapping. I am a huge fan girl of Margaret Lynch. And I use her youtube video Something Big Is Happening Here . I use this daily actually. I love it.

Tip Five: This tip isn't for the kiddos. Yet it may be the one you appreciate most. Have fun in the shower. A removable shower head can be your best friend. It is stress relieving. You get the feel good endorphins, increased energy and bursts of creativity. I find this tip to be very good when one is feeling stuck or blocked. Resistance be gone. Maybe that is what we can name it. LOL.

Ok, there you have it. The top five tips to increase your energy. Let me know which one worked best for you.

Until tomorrow, have a day as Beautiful as you,

So much Love & Gratitude,


Ps: Do you have a blog? Are you wanting to be more consistent with it? Join a crew of us who are committed to blogging every day over in Rebel Hearted Women

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

The Power of Energy

Do you know what I hear most from people?  It isn't about my hair, or my height or my laugh that sounds like a donkey when I really get laughing hard.

People almost always say, that they love my energy. And they comment like that whether they are meeting me in person, reading a post, watching a livestream or talking to me on the phone. And I never used to really take to heart what a compliment that truly was. I brushed it off. One day I asked people what the number one compliment that they receive was and I heard a plethora of answers. None of which had anything to do with energy.

This got me thinking that this compliment was a pretty beautiful one to receive. And when I think of people that I believe have great energy, they are some of the greats. I am in the same category as them. Whoa. Cooooool. Let's take a quick detour for a second. I want you to think of the compliment that you receive the most. Can't think of one? Ask on Facebook what people love most about you. When you get your answer, take a moment to really breathe it in. Own that sucker. Because it is yours. Sure, it may be a little uncomfortable to ask for compliments and then to really let them sink in. Instead you are much more comfortable sitting in all the shitty things you tell yourself. And that could range from cottage cheese thighs to being stupid, a chickenshit, a loser, a dumbass, etc. Challenge yourself to really sit with your greatness for a moment today.

Ok, returning to the freeway. Our energy is so incredibly important. It determines what kind of day you are going to have. It radiates out from you, like an invisible bat signal. People read it consciously and unconsciously. It tells people everything about you. Whether or not they want to come closer, or run away. Whether or not they want to trust you, get to know you, like you. BUY FROM YOU even.

So answer me this, how much time and effort do you spend really tuning into your energy and adjusting it for the type of day that you wish to have? For the benefits that you wish to receive?

My guess, as I look out onto the world of social media and the interwebz, is that you aren't giving it much attention. And that can be for a plethora of reasons. You didn't know it was that important. You had an inkling of an idea and just had no clue how to adjust it. Or you knew, you are busy doing so many other things that this falls off the page of your get to do list. Or you just don't give a shit.
Tune in as to your answer as you read this. No judgment as to which category you fall into. You get to choose. But do not doubt for one second that if you choose to shift your energy, that it has the power to shift your results and your life.

Want to know how to shift your energy? Check back on my blog tomorrow. I will share my Top Five Tips for Topping Up Your Energy Tank.

Already know how? Then click comment and let me know. I am always up for learning more ways to increase my energy.

I hope that you have found this blog to be helpful and that it has reminded you to tune into your energy a little more frequently than you have been. Are you already seeing amazing results from tuning into your energy? Click Here To Tell Me All About It!!!!

Until tomorrow, I wish you a day as Beautiful as you,

So much Love & Gratitude,


Tuesday, 7 February 2017

What People Desire Most

Today I spent the day at the hospital with one of my best friends. We are so close that I call her Sista Krista. If anyone asks, I always say she is my sister. Now, because I am a kind and loving friend, I will not plaster her medical history all over the interwebz.

As I sat with her, she reminded me of what people desire most. Do you know what that is? Nope, it isn't a Big Mac. Krista only wants those AFTER we leave the hospital. People want to feel heard.

Have you ever been trying in vain to get your point across only to have someone gulping like a guppie waiting for you to take a breath so they could get a word in edgewise? Or worse, you are sharing with someone, something really personal only to receive no response at all because they are mindlessly scrolling facebook or texting someone else?

Now, I fully admit, I have been guilty of both responses. And it is rude as hell. I have likely taken it even ten steps further and spoke over them while they were still talking (the loudest person wins) or walked out of the room while they were still speaking.

The greatest gift we can give someone is the willingness to listen.To give up our need to be right, to comment, have an opinion, fix, argue, disagree or even agree with someone. To remember that each and every single one of us are Divine beings. We have all walked our own paths and developed our own perspectives.

When we listen in this manner we give them the opportunity to talk things out, to sort through things, in their own space, and in their own way. We do not rob them of the spiritual experience and opportunity for growth. We show love through listening. It is so empowering to remember that we are all powerful and have the ability to figure it out.

Did you know that listening with your heart is a spiritual practice? Sit with another person and let them know that you are just going to listen. Simply hold space for them. Witness them as they voice their truth. And see what miracles unfold.

How powerful would it be to grant someone the gift that they desire most and it won't even cost you a dime?

Are you looking for someone to listen? Let's connect. Book a time here.

Monday, 6 February 2017

The Perfect Place To Start

Have you ever struggled to find the perfect place to start? It likely started with a feeling of dissatisfaction. A desire to change and then soon following that, a feeling of overwhelm.

I have been there so many times. Let me take blogging for example. I "used" to write a consistent blog. For thirty-one days in a row. One entire month of July. Nearly 4 years ago. Something had inspired me to say yes to a blog challenge all those years ago. Perhaps it was because blogs were what you had to have in order to establish yourself as an expert. Or maybe it was because all of the cool kids were doing it. I cannot remember my why at the time. All that I can remember is that it was a hugely rewarding experience. For more than a few reasons. One of them being that I met my BFF (Blogging Friend Forever) there. We have since evolved into actual besties. Even though we have never met in real life. Sometime in early August of 2013, I gave up blogging. I would post sporadically here and there. And was never consistent with it. I was so inconsistent with it that I cannot remember where I even hosted the blog I briefly entertained last year. Have you been there?

Now, that you have more than enough back story, let us get on with the point.

You have decided that something needs to change. You can feel it in your bones. And you have no idea where to find the starting line. Let me help with that.

The starting line is the line in the sand. The demarcation line as Brendon Burchard calls it in his book, The Motivation Manifesto . The line you draw when you are no longer willing to accept the status quo. You start from that decision.

It has been said that the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time to plant a tree is today.

Once you have made the decision to start. Do just that. Start. Today. Start today with where you are and what you have. You can learn new skills as you go. You can get new tools and equipment next time you are out. Start right now.

Allow me to demonstrate what I mean by that. I asked my beloved BFF (Kieta Synnove) on Saturday if she were willing to commit to blogging daily. We agreed to start Monday. In my mind, we said for 30 days. However, looking back at the exact timeline, we did not put any timeline in place. So for the sake of walking my walk rather than just incessant talking, I am committing to 30 days of Blogging. 30 days in a row of blogging.

So, I got Kieta on board and then quickly realized...shit...I have no idea how to actually put this up on my website. Technolo-Geez at its finest. I tried to make arrangements with Kieta to fit in a little training time, and alas, she has a life and is busy. The nerve of her.

Now, in all likelihood, you are reading this blog post on blogger. Not at, which is my fancy website. I have committed to starting where I am at. #noexcuses . It can be transferred over later. Or never. Either way, I am not allowing it to be my excuse for not starting.

Let me sum it all up for you. The perfect place to start is with the decision to start. The second step is to start from where you are at, with what you have got. Right now. Today.

Want to supercharge your staying power? Tell someone what you have committed to. I dare you to comment on this very post and tell me what you are committing to.

Did you know that only 8% of people can achieve a goal on their own? Want to increase your potential for success? Connect with me to talk about Coaching with Love and Accountability. You can EMAIL ME HERE

I look forward to learning what you are starting, and watching your journey.

Wishing you a day as beautiful as you. I will see you tomorrow.

So much Love and Gratitude,

Ps: Want more of me? Sign up for my newsletter