Monday, 14 October 2013

Today We Gives Thanks

As I sit here to write this blog post my heart is full.  It feels in fact like it is overflowing.  My life is incredibly blessed.  And I am learning to love every bit of it.  Even the part of me that insisted I add the word learning.  Because I struggle with loving every part of myself.  The ragey, bitchy, judgmental, money fearing part of me....isn't all that cuddly.  But I am learning.  And for that...I am totally grateful.  What a journey! Wow!  I just need a moment to breathe it all in.

As I start to count what it is that I am grateful for...I immediately think that there is not enough space in a single blog post to count the sheer number of things I am grateful for.

So here is the short list.  I am grateful that I am married to my best friend.  Who loves me...all of me...even the rage, bitchy, judgmental, money fearing parts of me.  Who shows me that I am loveable.  Who believes in me.  Holds me. Likes me.  And some days tolerates me when it would be much easier to get in the car and keep driving...far, far away. 

I am grateful for my Beautiful Daughter who teaches me more than I could ever imagine.  She brightens my day.  She teaches me how to love.  How to share.  She teaches me patience (or tries to).  She shows me there is more to life than just work.

I am grateful for my family.  My Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, Niece and Nephews.  I value all of our time together.  How each moment together is filled with ease.  It may not always be easy but it is so comforting to know that we will always be family.  We will stick together regardless of the size of storm we must weather.

I am grateful for my newest family.  My In Laws.  These people love me and accept all of my quirks.  And it is only a marriage license that legally bonds us together.  There is comfort in knowing that they choose to be family.  That they opened their arms, home and hearts to me and that they welcomed me in and never looked back.

I am grateful for my extended family.  There is comfort in numbers.  Comfort in knowing we are all here to work and grow together.  That we may not see each other often but we know...we are all here together no matter what.

I am grateful for my friends.  All of you.  You have entered my life for a reason and I love for that.  Each time that we talk, each memory we make, each challenge we face...I am grateful.  I love you all. 

I am grateful that I am able to do what I love each and every day.  That I work with people who help to grow me each day.  And I know that they think that I am helping them but truly...they teach me more than I teach them.

And of course I am grateful for all of the blessings that comfort my life.  The roof over my head, the food in the fridge, freezer and pantry, the cars in the driveway, the dogs snoring by the bed and the cat and her "presents" that grace the basement. 

I am grateful for all of you that are reading this.  I am grateful for the freedom to write a blog that spouts whatever opinion I choose to type at every given moment.  I am grateful for the air that I breathe.  I am grateful for the opportunity to make an impact in my life and the lives of others every single day.  I am grateful for the moments of discomfort, challenge and even the ones of heart break and dismay because each moment shapes my life.  And I wouldn't want it any other way.

What are you most grateful for?

I wish you a day as beautiful as you! 

Much Love and Many Blessings,


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