Wow I can't believe it has been over a week since I last posted something. This month has been a challenge for me to keep up with my blog. I have received phone calls and emails from some of you asking if I just gave up on my blogging. The answer - absolutely not. I have been letting my ego take the reins a little too often. And my ego likes to make excuses. Do you ever have that happen to you? Ever stop yourself from doing something because of something that you made up in your head? I know that it happens to me. I can admit it. My ego does not like to admit it though.
I have been trying to write a blog post for a week now. And each time I allowed my ego to stop me. It kept telling me that what I was trying to say wasn't relevant. Why do we listen to such liars?
Anyway...I am back in the saddle. I have signed up for another 31 Day Blog Challenge for October and I am going to try and post every day between now and then without needing a challenge to motivate me.
Recently I completed a 10 Day Metabolic Detoxification Challenge. Wow what a challenge that was. 10 days without meat. No caffeine, No refined sugar. No processed foods. And every day for the first five days I cut out more and more from my diet. For three days I was limited to cruciferous veggies, raw dark greens and apples and pears. I could use select oils and any herbs and spices that I wished. For awhile there it was touch and go. Luckily no one was injured during the 10 days. The hardest day for me was Saturday. I was already a day and a half into the cruciferous veggies and I wanted....EVERYTHING! Mostly meat. And berries. And cucumbers. Lol. What I found to be the most interesting was that I didn't crave anything processed. Still don't.
Earlier today I was feeling hyper. My heart was pounding and my ears were ringing. I couldn't figure out what happened and then I realized...I had drank 1/3 of a cup of coffee. My first one in 11 days. I think that I can stay away from it a little while longer.
Some people are curious as to what I got out of the cleanse. I can tell you that I am feeling much better. I have energy. I have a spark. I have enthusiasm. Can I credit the cleanse to that? Maybe...but I am typically energetic and enthusiastic. And while I was doing the cleanse...I was the opposite of that. I ran out of energy climbing the stairs in my house. There are a whopping thirteen of them. I did lose 9 lbs. And two days later I still have it off.
The most important thing that I gained from it is that I can do things that I set my mind to. It would have been easy to stop after day three when the caffeine headache was splitting my brain in two. Or at lunchtime on day five when I was walking around whyte ave with my girlfriend. Or day eight when I made it through the hard part. But I didn't quit. I got through it. And I feel better for having done so. I wish I could say that I did it all on my own. But I didn't. So a huge thank you to my Husband and Daughter who lived with me during it. And to Angela who cheered me on every day. And to the women on the football team...thank you for understanding that I was totally drained and not my bubbly self. And to anyone else that talked to me...thank you for your patience. I appreciate it greatly.
So now what????
I have started a September Clean Eats Sweeps. It is a facebook group of Ladies who are interested in cleaning up their eating habits for a month. Entry is still being determined. We are thinking $10 or $20 a person with all money going to the winner. All you need to do is join the group, create a my fitness pal account and get started. The goal is to motivate one another and create a positive habit.
What does September hold for you? What are you looking to achieve? I would love to hear from you and cheer you on. Feel free to share here or visit my facebook page at or email me at
Wishing you a day as Beautiful as You!
Much Love,
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