I heard somewhere this week that the past and the future exist only in our thoughts. Maybe I made it up. Who knows. But think about it for a minute if the past and the future don't exist...why do we spend so much energy on such a thing? We can focus that energy on being present and engaged. We could lead life joyfully in that precise moment collecting moments of joy. After all - isn't that what life is about?
How much of your life slips away while you are waiting for those things to come into fruition?
What would happen if you just relaxed and just let go? What if you just appreciated the sound birds make as they sing outside your window? The sound that your child makes as she laughs at a joke her imaginary friend told her? The silence that occurs when no one else in the house is awake and you are able to read your book and sip coffee without any disturbance at all?
Spend time each day collecting these moments of Joy. In the evening before you go to bed recount these moments and give thanks for them. Don't spend time worrying about the things you didn't get accomplished or what the future may hold. Be grateful for today. Make this shift in attitude and awareness and see how more Love and Joy flow into your life with ease.
Lead Life Joyfully,
Much Love,
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