Today I would like to share with you the first of five truths that guide me along my journey. My husband - the Saint that he is - affectionately coins them "Lisa-isms". These truths are very personal to me. And when you read them...they may not resonate with you as being congruent to your truth. That is perfectly okay. The blog post is titled my five truths...not your five truths. I do however, encourage you to share your truths with me.
Let's Get Started!
Truth #1
You Cannot Change What You Will Not Acknowledge
Dr. Phil McGraw once said "if you are unwilling to acknowledge a thought, circumstance, problem, condition, behavior or emotion - if you won't take ownership of your role in a situation - then you cannot change it".
I do agree with what he has to say to a certain degree. However, if you will not acknowledge a certain area of your life you are incapable of changing it. It is not a matter of it you CAN change is a matter of if you WILL change it.
In my life I had to realize that what I was doing was not what I wanted. I also had to take responsibility for me being in the position I was finding myself in. This may sound simple enough as you read this blog however, we as humans like to find ways to blame others for our circumstance.
For example:
I am late because of other people driving too slow - even though in reality I may have hit snooze, poured another coffee, stood in the shower too long or watched the morning news for nine minutes longer than I should have.
I'm grouchy because someone was grouchy and rude to me. That means that I have full rights to be grouchy and rude to each and every individual who crosses my path today.
I pulled into a fast food drive thru window for a myriad of different reasons. I was running behind, food takes too long to prepare, healthy food costs more to purchase than fast food.
In reality we are the reason we are late, we are the reason we are grouchy.
We could have made different choices BUT - we didn't.
This can all change today! We can decide to acknowledge what isn't working for us - we can say...
I am ready for something different. Say it with me...I am ready for something different!
It may take some work and it will take some energy but the benefits that we will reap will be worth it.
That is my promise to you.
Think about the things in your life that you can change if you just exercised a little will power.
We can do this together.
Lead Life Joyfully
Much Love and Many Blessings,
Dear Lisa..... I read your First Truth with a decided, and entirely unwelcome sense of denouement. While, in truth, I agree with the sentiment, I feel like drowning kittens when I think that it is in any way connected with the brain dead, mid-day desperate house wife television clap trappery of "Dr" Phil. For SHAME! After all the genuine well crafted thoughtful observation of the human condition I have read in these august pages..... I am assaulted...yes, assaulted by that foppish buffoon and his idiotic Operanonsense ideas...... I feel lost and rudderless...... can you help?