And they can keep doing it. But I am going to let you in on a little secret. I delete your newsletters. I download and never read your Freebie. I recoil at the sheer number of lists I am on. I unsubscribe and find myself being the subject of posts how I can't hack your greatest because I desire a clean inbox more focused on my agenda than yours.
I have no funnel myself. Not one that I use any way. Just one I built because I felt I fricking had to. I don't think I have sent more than 4 newsletters during the life of this business (and three of them was me apologizing for not sending any).
Three weeks ago I signed my own permission slip. Promised myself I would only do business in a way that lights me up. I said - F*ck the Funnel. Never Again to the Newsletter. Sayanora to the Sales Page. Dumped the Discovery Call.
Instead...I talk to people. I learn who you are. What you love. What brought you here. I fully embody SERVICE FIRST. Then sales. Or service then service then service and maybe sales. Or maybe service then friendship then joint venture then drunk on the lawn.
So if you are tired of not loving your business. Tired of trying to fit in. Tired of doing what everyone else is doing. I invite you to pump your fists in the air, shout F*CK YA and connect with me.
You never know what may come of it.
So much love,
Ps: I would love to connect with you. Here are a few ways we can do that:
Send me a friend request on Facebook. Lisa Friedt
Check me out on Periscope/Blab/Twitter @RebelHeartedWmn
Join my Facebook Group: Rebel Hearted Women
Book a chat here: www.calendly.com/lisafriedt
Pick one or all of them. Either way....Let's Connect.