Tuesday, 8 September 2015

F*CK The Funnel - Relationships First!

These days so many people are busy crafting opt-in, sales funnels and landing pages. They invest hours into creating PDF'S and other Freebies. They never launch a thing until all of these things are in place.
And they can keep doing it. But I am going to let you in on a little secret. I delete your newsletters. I download and never read your Freebie. I recoil at the sheer number of lists I am on. I unsubscribe and find myself being the subject of posts how I can't hack your greatest because I desire a clean inbox more focused on my agenda than yours.
I have no funnel myself. Not one that I use any way. Just one I built because I felt I fricking had to. I don't think I have sent more than 4 newsletters during the life of this business (and three of them was me apologizing for not sending any).
Three weeks ago I signed my own permission slip. Promised myself I would only do business in a way that lights me up. I said - F*ck the Funnel. Never Again to the Newsletter. Sayanora to the Sales Page. Dumped the Discovery Call.
Instead...I talk to people. I learn who you are. What you love. What brought you here. I fully embody SERVICE FIRST. Then sales. Or service then service then service and maybe sales. Or maybe service then friendship then joint venture then drunk on the lawn.
So if you are tired of not loving your business. Tired of trying to fit in. Tired of doing what everyone else is doing. I invite you to pump your fists in the air, shout F*CK YA and connect with me.
You never know what may come of it.
So much love, 

Ps: I would love to connect with you. Here are a few ways we can do that:
Send me a friend request on Facebook. Lisa Friedt
Check me out on Periscope/Blab/Twitter @RebelHeartedWmn
Join my Facebook Group: Rebel Hearted Women
Book a chat here: www.calendly.com/lisafriedt

Pick one or all of them. Either way....Let's Connect.

Monday, 12 January 2015

The Pay Off of Doing What Scares You

Wow, it has been a looooonnnnngggggg time since I last wrote a blog post. I have just kept myself from doing it because I was trapped in perfection. If I didn't write something that would change your life forever...there is no sense in ever bothering to write. I am not even certain where that thought came from originally but it surely has affected many areas of my life.

In fact as I type that out I realize that the perfection trap has been a theme for months now. Some time last fall I felt myself needing to bring my energy more inward. To take the time to reflect and to incubate some of the ideas I was playing with. And along the way...that shifted into avoiding doing something because it would not be perfect.

The trap of perfection is a dangerous one. It can make you spin around and get stuck. It can drain you of all of your beautiful energy. And it can make you second guess whether you are living your life's purpose. This is deadly.

Have you ever noticed that you can be feeling really great about something there can be this little voice that asks "Are you sure about that"? Don't listen to that voice. It is a trap. It is designed to keep us playing small and safe.

Now, being safe is a good thing when it is a matter of life or death but this voice doesn't discern between a run in with a gunman and when you are signing up to try a new exercise class.

If you always listen to the voice (and do what it tells you) you will soon find that you are feeling a little dull or worse...lifeless. Luann Cahn tells the story of that happening to her in the book 'I Dare Me'. She had successfully raised a child, built a great career, overcome cancer and was still feeling stuck.  She made a commitment to try something new EVERY DAY for a YEAR!

With each task she stepped outside her comfort zone. Sure somethings were easier than others but imagine how many times she would have had to avoid the trap of perfection. Major Kudos to her.

As I read that book I thought that I wanted to feel more alive. To feel more excitement and passion in my life. So I have been spreading the world that I am committed to saying Yes a whole lot more to the things that scare me. If it doesn't go against my belief system and it won't kill me at first glance...I am going to say yes.  Now, I have been going with the flow and not saying I need to do it daily. But I have been trying to do it weekly.  And so far this year I have done five things that really stand out to me.
1. I tried Zumba - I was dreadful but man did I laugh a lot. Thanks Tangie and Krista for going with me.
2. I rode my horse bareback and with a halter on a moonlit ride with two girl friends. (Now, I have ridden bareback more times that I can count....but not this guy and YES..I wore a helmet.)
3. I took a Spin Class and again...I wasn't the best in the room but I gave it my best.
4. I ate avocados....I even made my own guacamole and it wasn't half bad.
5. I went to the dentist. Without any prompting from my husband and without any reminder cards in the mail. I am (wait...scratch that) I used to be terrified of the dentist. Making me go to the dentist was a lot like putting a cat in the dryer who has been around and around in the dryer before.

And the rewards that I have received from doing these things are priceless.
I feel more alive. I feel more courageous. I am inspired to try more things. And I have received feedback that I have inspired others to be more brave - now this is what I live for.

These challenges have truly fed my soul in a way I never imagined.  So I encourage you to put some duct tape over the mouth of the perfectionist in your head and try something you have always what to try. Try it even if you aren't great at it. Celebrate being a beginner. Laugh at how awful you are at it. And be damn proud of yourself for being so damn brave.

I would love to hear what you take on so please feel free to share them in the comments on this post or join me in my Rebel Hearted Women Community

I also invite you to enjoy this short video clip featuring the afterglow from going to the dentist! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ydBjz9cymg

Until next time Have a Day as Beautiful as you!

So much Love,
